Jo-Cat’s Pub Menu

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  • Brandon H.

    Great atmosphere, packed and fun plus they actually play some country!

  • Glory J.

    Joe Cats. I have mixed feelings about this place for a couple of reasons: 1. The 3 times I've been here I've had a blast (but I've also been drunk) and 2. The bartenders were awesome! Ok, so let's start with the drawbacks (because I like to end on a happy note). The drawbacks: Firstly, it's crazy small for how many people get packed in here. Like it might actually be in violation of a fire code, and if there was actually a fire I'm pretty sure people would get trampled to death attempting to speed through one teeny exit. Secondly, it really caters to a specific crowd: the younger college kids and those who are just looking to get wasted and have a good time. That might not seem like a drawback to some, but it draws a certain other type of crowd: the creepers/weirdies. They are not to be missed, they're the old guys lurking in the corner close to the bar to creep, but far enough away to go mostly unnoticed. But I'm a safe girl, and have seen way too many Criminal Minds episodes, so yes, I know they're there. Pretty much that's it's for drawbacks from me, now onto the perks. Perks: maybe it's just the people I was with, but the first time I went I had an amazing time! Yeah we had to scream to hear each other, and yeah there was no such thing as personal space, but for me, that was my one night in maybe like forever that I've been in a place like this, and I had a good time. Second: the bartenders. The girls were way friendly and not only took shots with us but were also having conversations with us amidst serving other customers. Call me crazy, but that only adds to the flavor of a fun night. So maybe if you're looking for something where conversation and organized drunkenness ensues, Joe-Cats is not for you. But if you want to have a pretty crazy and chaotic atmosphere to end your night, and you don't mind rubbing elbows with everyone and their mom, Joe-Cats will show you a good time.

  • George T.

    Kinda avg kinda shady kinda hustlin kinda place. It has a younger feel to a avg bar. Avg music nice customers pretty busy for a small bar. My guess is, if the avg music is played above average makes it better for those sitting outside or waiting in a line in front of a door guy checking ID's and messin wit you. Rock on Wayne...Rock on Garth..What??? Huh??? I can't hear you what? 108 /2014

  • Angela W.

    I had a blast here on a random Sunday Funday. We only popped in for a few beers, but the bartender was a blast. It was quiet when we walked in and we chatted and laughed with her. The beer was ICE cold- that is like number one, most important to me and I seldom find a bar that serves their beer this cold. We moved outside for a bit for the great people watching- I mean... It's Brady, there isn't a better spot in the city to do so and this day was beautiful out. Admittedly... I avoid on weekend evenings, just too busy for me, but ask me on a Sunday- sold!

  • Jon B.

    Since I am a fan of Jo Cats, I often get the question... "What is Jo Cat's like?" My response... "Imagine drinking and dancing at a bar in somebody's living room to music blaring on speakers from a mix CD where every song results in girls jumping up and down pointing at each other. Oh yeah... they only take cash. And it's really hot." How could you not find that fun!?! I do! And I'm not even being sarcastic. Fridays and Saturdays... this place is great. You should check it out and I will guarantee you will hear at least three out of these four bands: Bon Jovi Journey Whitney Houston Michael Jackson

  • Sheila T.

    I had a really horrendous experience here this past weekend. I don't usually like coming to this place, j don't like the top 40 music they play and it gets pretty rowdy, not in a good way. Yes my friends and I were drunk as were many people in this bar. My girl friend and I decided to use the men's bathroom because he ladies bathroom had a very long line. Our first mistake. We shouldn't have done that but we didn't deserve the treatment we got from a very aggressive patron who busted in on us and demanded we get out (while my friend was still on the toilet). He proceeded to push me as I blocked him from trying to come in and yell at us. Yes our bad for using the men's room but wait your turn? What was the point of trying to come in and watch us pee! It was scary to say the least. The patron continued to harass us after we left. I went up to TWO staff members who did absolutely nothing to this man who was bullying two women. Apparently he is a friend of someone who works at the bar. BEWARE of extremely disrespectful bros with no manners or intellect.

  • Paress H.

    the most beautiful place on earth, with the most beautiful playlist on earth, with the most wonderfully sexy bartenders on earth, serving the strongest, most delicious bombs on earth. jo-cat's is my soul mate.

  • Joe P.

    Descriptive phrase: 'ish got weirrrrdddd. You only end up at Jo-Cat's after you've had too many already and stayed out past your self-imposed bar-time. You never have a bad time, but you never know why you went in the first place. The bar is too crowded, the drinks are too pricey, the music is too loud, but the people are as varied as can be. Ancient 5-foot-tall man with white beard to the floor? You better believe everyone knows him. 60-year-old black woman twerking all over? Sure, we'll join in. 21-year-old frat/sorority couple making out like there's no tomorrow? Check and mate. I could never explain the fascination one has with Jo-Cat's, but I'll probably see you there (and not remember) next weekend.

  • Angela W.

    Oh? you think you've just entered the twilight zone....middle aged trash-assed people dancing badly borderline harassing you and drunken, inappropriate stares and touching...yesss...YESSS....I've been into Jo-cats a few times. I may have lost count of the number of times I've had to tell someone to fuck off, get off me, leave me alone, or say 'you're creepy as fuck' to. I may have punched someone. But do not worry child. There's always Crisp.

  • Erika B.

    Imagine, if you will, that UW-Whitewater had one of their college bars flown to Milwaukee and had dropped it smack in the middle of Brady Street. Actually, you don't have to imagine, 'cause that's what Jo Cat's is. Filled to the brim with underaged-looking, -obnoxious- screeching "ladies" and Water Street jocks, this is where one would want to go if getting black-out drunk and dancing to Darude's "Sandstorm" is appealing. To top it off, it has the smallest and most inconveniently located women's restroom ever.

  • Nelson S.

    Jesus, what a hell-hole. Last night was probably the third time I've set foot in this god forsaken place; the first two being when I was underage (don't tell the sheriff). At that age, any bar seems golden, no matter where the hell it may be, but after entering last night (SOBER), I completely shit my proverbial pants. And not in a good way. At all. This place is my worst nightmare. mixed crowd, but mainly trashed-ass white girls dancing (and badly sing-a-longing) to Backstreet Boys. and lots of men dancing. which is just awful. we all know since I'm sure we've all been to a few weddings. Yet, at Jo-Cats, not only is it tolerated, its encouraged. The bar is TINY and PACKED constantly. On a scale of 1 to Sardines, its easy like, a Japanese rush hour train. Furthermore, I ordered a vodka red bull and 2 shots of jameson which somehow came out to 17 dollars. for this shit hole. on a Sunday night. Am I DREAMING?! And the bartenders, when they decide to notice you, think they're the hottest thing since their junior prom. Straight outa Sandburg honey. Give me a f**king break. I dont know what college-aged white girls obsession is with this place, but they gravitate towards it like they gravitate toward 'Tucci's on a wednesday [Ladies night, for you non-Chron's]. Men, obviously, will follow. Mostly wannabe MMA Fighters and Semi-Pro (and I'm being very generous) Athletes. Ew. Next time somebody suggests Jo-Cats I'm promptly lighting a cigarette and giving them the "really? are you sure?" face. Vomit. Notes: Cash only, ATM located in a corner that you'll have to African-Safari Machete your way through, ubiquitous ESPN droning monotonously on TVs despite the music blaring. Music= all 90's or shitty sing a long stuff. Dance floor= TINY. but PACKED. and in a corner. I hate it here.

  • Jessica N.

    Only come here late at night if you are ready to party :) Bar has bright colored christmas lights and carpet. Makes for a fantastic dive. Good crowd that likes to have fun and good music!

  • Brian P.

    This place was a lot better than I thought it would be. People here seem to have a misconception of a dive bar. To me, a dive bar is dirty, and small. Both crowd, atmosphere, and just the whole experience in my mind. Yes, Jo-Cat's is small, but in terms of being dirty, perhaps the bathrooms aren't the cleanest, but overall it isn't too bad. Some real good tunes get played, and the drinks are reasonable priced.

  • Rachel F.

    JoCats is pretty icky. Sorry. It just is. I just don't get the love affair! Aesthetically JoCats is a dive bar, in actuality, it's a drunk college Jager-bomb hook-up joint. This bar is loud top 40 dance music. Christmas lights everywhere. A constantly packed meat market-y thing. Lurkers lurking in the corners, doing what they do best: being creepy. Bad bartenders...the kind that think they're the coolest thing since sliced bread since they're 22 and they bartend and you could never possibly be as cool as they are. Prices fluctuate per bartender. I've been here ONCE since I turned 21. I'm ashamed to say it was kind of recent-ish. My ex-coworkers love the place. And a lot of people do, actually. I'm surprised. Apparently, JoCats is sort of this ubiquitous equalizer. JoCats = dancing to many, in a town where it's either one word named clubs on Milwaukee Street or places like this (& Victor's, from what I've heard). And not all, but a few of each of my indie/hipster-y type friends and fashion-y friends and preppy friends and young friends and old friends and affluent or not and every other genre I can think of type of friends like it here. The dance floor is like two feet by two feet, I think? & people are spilling their Miller Lights on you! There's a 10 person line to get in that disgusting women's bathroom! Why people? WHY? Irony. I'm guessing its the irony, which I can appreciate in certain contexts, but not this one, my friends. Not this one.

  • Mike M.

    Went on a Saturday night. After waiting outside (bad sign), we waited inside another 10 minutes to get a drink. It was like sardines in a tin, matches in a pack, bristles in a broom (pick your favorite narrative for really freaking crowded). The crowd was diverse (although it seemed heavily college aged), and the music wasn't terrible (it was mostly danceable). It was near the end of the night, so didn't really stay too long. Not really my cup of tea, but with the right people it could be fun? I'll give this place another shot before I make my final decision.

  • Sam H.

    Ah good old Jo-Cat's. One of the big post 1 AM establishments of Milwaukee... I dunno how to describe it, but the atmosphere is a mix of college students, young professionals, and older folks. All drunk. All dancing to whatever music is playing. All bumping into new people and of course making new "drunk" friends. The beauty of course is the small dance floor. Everything is so packed in, that you could have 30 people in there and it would seem busy. And that is why everyone likes it. The forced standing space lets any guy / girl accidentally "bump" and talk to the person they want, without leaving their group. Its really good place to meet people when you are drunk. Now to the sober outsider, Jo Cats may seem like a bit of a drunken roadhouse. But when you are in the zone, this IS the place to be.

  • Jessica S.

    My friend Leah works here as a bartender and I had to finally make a visit there and celebrate her 22nd birthday!! Walked inside and felt like I was at a high school party back home. Singing, dancing, happiness and cheap drinks? Yeah, definitely reminded me of high school. This was good and bad because the obnoxious patrons got annoying fast due to the small space. Great place to go if you are wanting to hang out and get pretty drunk with some close friends. 4 stars for the dive bar!!

  • Sarah S.

    Boo on the weekends, Maybe because I'm not 21 anymore, don't like a bouncer telling me to wait, fighting through a crowd of butt pinchers and creepers trying to find that one lucky 19-21 yr who is so excited to have gotten in I've actually had a nice time when this bar was dead but have hated anytime there's more than 20 people in here. I don't see how it could be classified as a sports bar unless nobody is in it and then you can call it whatever you want. Yes it has a small dance floor but I'd rather go somewhere that is meant for dancing instead of this. There's nowhere to set your drink or dare I say coat during winter in MKE, which may be best. You never know... I have to add, there is nothing negative to say about the bartenders, they do just fine handling the masses! Just a bad scene.

  • Samantha G.

    Small bar that's almost always past its capacity. Their Vodka Redbulls are more like Skol, tonic water, and monster. Chance of drama. Good music.

  • Erica B.

    My friends love it here, and I really want to like it, but it's just not my scene. I've been to Jo Cats a few times in the past couple of months, but it fails to impress. I mean, I guess I would like it if I was into crowded, cash-only bars with lines to get in the door, lines to get into the one-person women's bathroom, and sweaty, awkward, cramped dance floors with creepy peeps. Come to think of it, I probably would have loved this place back in college! I'll continue to come here when my friends are in the mood for some drunken sweaty dancing to Top 40 jams, but it's not someplace that I really look forward to.

  • Katie R.

    This place reminded me of the Wisconsin bar that Colin visits in Love Actually (WISCONSIN BABES!), with more Christmas lights, and grinding. Wandered in here with some friends for "a drink," and ended up closing the place. Interesting crowd, but a good time.

  • Bobby G.

    Jo Cats is what it is... Crazy Fun Spot, if you know people. Lame if you don't. Lots of drunken singing and dancing. My friend Rachel may have a point, it is a drunk college hangout, but if that's what your looking for, it can be a blast.

  • Erika G.

    This place has been around forever. I went here on Saturday after a 30 year absence and it was . . . the same. Classic dive bar. Or, in Milwaukee . . . this type of bar is extremely prevalent, so it's sort of a regular bar.

  • James C.

    This establishment is geared for the younger crowd, but, being a middle-aged man, they have never hedged me or hazed me in any way. They have some of the sweetest bartender girls ever, and they will make you feel right at home. And, they always keep a good tap of music to make the mood for you.

  • Francis D.

    After being single throughout my 20s, this place showed lots of promise. Been here twice... First, met my dream girl Megan Fox - informed me the next day she had a rough week with her boyfriend, curses! Second, went here with my girlfriend and we ran into her ex - informed me the next day he still has her heart, curses! Should I go here again? Ick! Methinks not.

  • Emily A.

    Jocats requires a certain attitude and mood for the evening coupled with a certain level of intoxication. I love jocats, great for 80s throwback music and dancing. Dancing on the 4' x 4' "dance floor." Looking for a crazy evening? Bring the crew to jocats. I would give it 4 stars if it wasn't CASH ONLY. I guess that's what you should expect when christmas lights are the main decoration. Note: jocats is not fun if you are sober.

  • Stephanie G.

    Talk about too cloose for comfort, but in a good way! This bar is small and cozy. The dance floor is the size of my apartment's bathrom, but the music is an awesome mix of current hits and retro, and it's always a party vibe

  • Angela M.

    This place was a hoppin' dive bar. Went for a bachelorette party, and it was packed out on Saturday night. The music was great, but the smokiness was not. Also the guys were not that friendly, but most of them looked like the type who do not think that a petite lady in a pink dress with blond curly girls anyway... still it's a bachelorette party, so play along!

  • Tomoko M.

    Went to Jo-Cat's with a wedding party after my boyfriend's brother's wedding. They wanted to take photos at the bar since that is where they first met. It was a Saturday afternoon but the bar was very open and accomodating to our relatively large party. I liked the interior of this bar. Reminds me of an old school college bar..dimly lit with dart boards. And as some other reviewers mentioned it is a classic dive bar.

  • nicole h.

    Jo-Cat's! I LOVE YOU! My old stomping grounds. My old home away from home. The most accomodating (and patient) bartenders ever. They don't care when you sweat your butt off on the 6 x 9 foot dance floor to Michael Jackson as if you've just heard his music for the first time. The only bad thing is...the last few times I've made the trip up to Milwaukee Jo-Cats has become much more popular and therefore can be far too crowded at times.

  • Michael T.

    The bar you go to at the end of your night. Always packed.

  • Jeff C.

    The definition of dive bar. Wood paneling with beer and liquor signs plastered all over it, track carpeting that looks like it is held down with staples, and the bathroom, lets not go there. But by God, it is charming because anyone who has been to Jo-Cat's knows that is about the people.. Was in town for one day, and came upon Jo-Cat's and it was the best time I had in Milwaukee. Quickly made friends with a group of people hanging at the bar and within minutes they were buying me beer and shots. They introduced me to the bartenders who we also did a few rounds of shots with, all of which were super attractive with awesome personalities to boot. For the drinks were cheap, the crowd merry. Had so much fun, the night seemed to end so quickly. If I'm ever back in Milwaukee, I will definitely make it a point to revisit this lovely little hole in the wall. Every town in America needs a Jo-Cat's!


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :4:00 pm - 2:00pm


  • Accepts Credit Cards : No
    Parking : Street
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Wheelchair Accessible : No
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Ambience : Divey
    Noise Level : Very Loud
    Good For Dancing : Yes
    Alcohol : Full Bar
    Happy Hour : Yes
    Best Nights : Thu, Fri, Sat
    Coat Check : No
    Smoking : Outdoor Area/ Patio Only
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Has TV : Yes

Jo-Cat’s Pub

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