Starbucks Menu

  • Bakery
  • Mercato
  • Petites
  • Breakfast
  • Sandwiches, Paninis & Salads

Healthy Meal suggestions for Starbucks

  • Bakery
  • Mercato
  • Petites
  • Breakfast
  • Sandwiches, Paninis & Salads

Healthy Meal suggestions for Starbucks

  • Bakery
  • Mercato
  • Breakfast
  • Sandwiches, Paninis & Salads

Sorry, We are updating this restaurant cholesterol menu details.

  • James E.

    When I tell friends to meet me at Starbucks, their response is always "Which one?" So, I reply "the big gay Starbucks" and heads nod in acknowledgement. Of all the 'bucks on the Hill, this location is the only one that's synonymous with big, and gay. I'm not sure if I should start my jab with "How many interior designers does it take to turn the big gay Starbucks into a hot mess?" or "How many of the corporate designers were peaking on crystal when these interiors were drafted?" because either one seems apropos. I never knew it was possible to experience vertigo without standing from dizzying heights until I entered this store. Honestly, I haven't been thrilled with any of the store redesigns and I wish the team who was chosen for these tasks would be taken behind the big gay Starbucks, offered one last beverage of their choice, and then gassed. I don't consider myself a soft-spoken person--I've got references--so I have to wonder if the store music is a little too loud for the partners/baristas to hear or if they rarely clean their ears. I had to repeat my order five times, but to be fair I wasn't using autotune and dope beats when I ordered. "The Stranger" hyped the new wine & beer selection at the big gay Starbucks. By "hype," I mean "someone get a kick-back for this write-up?" The wine pours are small--and if you're used to getting drinks on Capitol Hill, then you'd be a saint not to scream like a white woman in a bad b-horror movie when you're handed what passes for a shot. Aside from a small pour--don't get me started--you're also charged $9 for pinot noir. $9! Where is the humanity? Almost every patron in big gay Starbucks was seated with a laptop screen glowing brightly against their faces. I miss the days when people would sit at cafés, order pitchers of coffee, smoke copious amounts of cigarettes and cloves, and spend their evening in conversation. Of course, I am thinking of independent coffeehouses from my youth where I sit with friends as we came down from taking acid. I just wish big gay Starbucks wasn't such a horrible acid flashback.

  • Jordan B.

    I love this starbucks, very spacious, nice ambiance and also serves food and wine after 4. It has the newer clover machines so you can get that type of coffee which is great. It also has a small parking lot which is awesome as that area of cap hill has no parking. The only downside is some of the baristas are a little snotty, like they feel too good for you because they work at a super fancy starbucks.

  • Danny S.

    This is the best Starbucks EVER! The staff is incredible. They create an atmosphere that is inviting and you wanting to come back for more. the store is always clean. The patios are always clean as well. There's plenty of seating inside and out. This store is so popular they could add a second level and it would be full of patrons. Their food selection is good and fresh. It is a Starbucks. if you don't like the price or the taste of the coffee then don't go there. this particular store is better than all the rest. its not because its new, rather the great staff.

  • Angela B.

    Comfy, cozy, friendly. Overall it is a calming atmosphere and cool little spot to work or gossip over a cup of coffee. BIG +++ they serve beer and wine after 2:00pm! If you are able to walk or bus that is your best bet as parking is worse then at the mall on black Friday. Coffee is nothing special. It's the standard Starbucks coffee. The Batista's are awesome!

  • Sarah A.

    Dear Capitol Hill Starbucks, I love your coffee. I love that you have breakfast options beyond coffee cake (how is that breakfast anyway?). I love that you are on my way to work. However, we must part ways. It's for the best. It's for the sake of my job. I can't count how many times you have made me late for work because you refuse to let more than one of the ten people working there at 7:30 in the morning make coffee. Whether there are two or ten people in line, you're not in any rush. No, no, you have all the time in the world. We're just in different places you see because I actually am in a hurry. After fighting your ridiculous parking lot for a space, my goal is to be in and out in under ten minutes. But that has yet to happen. Best of luck with you and all your slow ass friends who have nowhere to go in the morning. Have a nice life, Sarah

  • Jolorene G.

    I love the interior design of the place. It makes me feel comfy esp sitting on the couches near the fire place. Never stepped foot in here before the make over, but its so roomy and spacious compared to other Starbucks that can be really cramped up.

  • Brendan M.

    I effing love this Starbucks! First, it's branded as an actual Starbucks, not "Roy Street" or "15th Avenue" coffee & tea. This means that the beverage lineup (hello, iced coffee) and pastry options are about the same as at other Starbucks stores. Beer, wine, small plates, and special sandwiches become available after 4 p.m. I really like the flow of this store. From the entrance, ropes lead the way around the pastry case to the register, and it's a logical progression alongside a wooden bar to the beverage hand-off area. There are lots of places to sit at this store, so it's much less stuffy and crowded than Roy Street Coffee & Tea. On a dry day, try the back patio! You can sit in the sun, smell the lovely aroma of cedar planks, and sip your iced coffee looking over the skyline of downtown Seattle. There were a couple of hiccups on my visit yesterday. The cash register wouldn't read Starbucks cards properly, but the barista was friendly and apologetic as I gave her my debit card instead. Also, every time I ask for a glass cup, they forget, serving my drink in plastic. Eco-consciousness could be raised a skosh. One more note... The main doors are a bit heavy. I learned this the hard way when I casually reached out with one arm, barely got the door to move, and then gave the door a full-body pull with both arms. A bearish guy behind me chuckled benevolently as he watched this happen.

  • Angela C.

    I gotta give it to Starbucks, they may be a corporate giant now but they're always trying to step up their game. This is the pilot Starbucks, where they're testing out the concept of wine/beer alongside coffee/tea. It's also the biggest Starbucks I've ever been in! They have a wine bar behind the coffee counter, a fake fireplace roasting, a bunch of plush couches, some high tables... um, pretty much everything your heart desires.

  • Neil K.

    This Starbucks offers small plates and beer/wine. The selection is great and the food is actually really good. The service is great and it has a cool ambience to it.

  • Tim R.

    I don't know how they did it, but somehow the largest coffee chain in the world ended up with the crappiest WiFi I've ever experienced. Aside from being painfully slow, it will kick you off for being inactive....not to mention the "Terms and Conditions" you have to accept before logging on. I'm sure there are reasons for this, but the bottom line is that I can't get any work done with such a pitiful WiFi service. Concerning this specific location, the remodel did a great job with creating a earthy, warm atmosphere. This is a big location with lots of seats, but it is usually still tough to find a place to plant yourself due to the busy area. Overall, pathetic WiFi, very limited parking and loud crowds are more than enough to keep me from coming back here.

  • Anne M.

    Slightly I come here quite often, and almost always have friendly barista service, so this review is solely based on todays experience. I told the cashier that yes I still want whip on my soy beverage, and the message was either not relayed...or the barista didn't when I told the barista before he put a lid on it...and he replied with " uhh ok? Usually people that order soy are allergic to whip." And then slam my coffee down..yeaaaaa. Not cool man. People drink soy for different reasons. Just don't need to be questioned on my drink order..

  • Bunneh L.

    I've been getting my coffee at local places lately and boy can I tell the difference! My vanilla latte tasted burnt, bitter, and harsh. I'm sticking with B&O, Online Coffee Co., and Espresso Vivace from now on, where they serve coffee that is sweet, smooth, and oh so palatable. And I had to wait FOREVAH for my shitty coffee. Boo!

  • Keith C.

    This Starbucks on Olive Way (aka the Gaybucks) has just been completely remodeled and it's fabulous. I've been going there since it was converted from a Boston Market (and the Red Robin before) and I'm amazed at what they've done with the space. It's got an industrial warehouse vibe with lots of reclaimed materials. Great seating areas, indoor/outdoor fireplace, two huge outdoor decks, two clover machines and they serve beer & wine. the counters are only 16-20" wide so you are right next to the baristas when they're making your drink. It's kind of wild to be that close. It's an amazing space. perfect for the neighborhood. Looking forward to having dates there. :)

  • Le M.

    This Starbucks is so gay I can smell pheromones and testosterone more than caffeine per table. I was dead tired and needed a quick fix before meeting a friend. At 7 pm, eyeballs were a-poppin' every time the glass door opens. You wonder, is everyone meeting someone face to face? Or is coffee at night results to an over-active gaydar? This Starbucks is in a great location. But honestly, the macchiato tastes different with every barista.

  • Adam V.

    It pains me to write this as I'm such a huge fan of Starbucks and in fact used to love going to this very location before it was a Starbucks that got re-modeled. I used to love the music stations that would let you make your own c.d.s, I had never heard or seen anything like that and was such a huge fan that I made several while the option was there but sadly they went away then the whole location changed. I prefer the old Starbucks to the newly designed Starbucks.

  • Evan C.

    For two years I have walked by here on my way to work, and for two years I was not tempted to go in. The mere sight of the building made me queasy (kind of like that feeling you get when you pull up to a big-box retail store ... you know, the feeling like your soul is being sucked out). This new renovation, though, is a dramatic departure from the egregiously banal design that kept me out for years! The industrial aesthetic is cozy and sufficiently warm and inviting to make spending time there a pleasurable experience. The friendly staff certainly helps, too, and there is a variety of seating options. Semi-private meeting rooms are at the back, but keep in mind outlets are scarce throughout shop. One of the most outstanding features (particularly in a city with an acute lack of outdoor seating) is the wrap around deck with its commanding view of the intersection and city skyline. Some friends and I spent time enjoying a bottle of wine (ahem, it was the grand opening after all) and meats from Salumi (so good!) along with the setting sun; the brisk, fall weather; and the energizing activity of the street. I probably won't get wine again, but I'm glad I have the option to get a beer. The flow around the coffee bar is ambiguous and constrained, but not debilitating or a main hindrance to the experience. And while one of their stated goals was to bring the customer closer to the coffee making experience, they were successful only in meeting the experience I get at so many other places on the Hill, not in forging any new direction. All in all, this location has gone from unremarkable (and soul sucking) to a tempting place to meet a friend, read, or work on the computer. I will definitely be back!! Now if only they could do something about the ugly parking lots nearby ...

  • Arnold W.

    I didn't have it's coffee or wine, but this is the "pilot" starbucks where they have a bar to serve alcohol. I guess it's a cool concept, chill place to read/study like starbucks and also while have a wine while you're at it. This location is large, lots of tables and seating. I'm not sure how this concept will fly in the rest of the world starbucks dominates. They don't start serving alcohol until after 4 pm!

  • Becca C.

    This is a truly great neighborhood Starbucks. The location is fantastic (a mere 50 steps from my building), it has its own parking lot (don't abuse the privilege, please), and it's got all kinds of comfy sofas and seating areas. I frequently imagine all those big Starbucks decisions that are made at Corporate in SODO are immediately put into effect at this location. This one on Olive Way has a LOT of foot traffic, and very interesting people-watching as well. I'm glad the bathroom has a code lock on it to deter non-customers. The fact they have apple fritters from Top Pot was cute to me when I first moved here, since most Starbucks in the country didn't have bakery options then. They have a really great selection, I'm personally addicted to their fruit and cheese plate (curse you for increasing the price from $5.25 to $5.45 though). Yesterday I indulged in a cupcake and was pleasantly surprised. I just have to remember not to do that more than once a month. Oh yes, and you make my grande skinny hazelnut latte just perfect about 85% of the time.

  • Boe M.

    Trust us. This one is different.

  • Diana L.

    Let me make one thing clear - I don't like Starbucks on GP. Howard Schultz and his poor kid from Brooklyn works hard and makes good story is heart warming and all that, and the benefits they give to FULL TIME employees (I stress that because I hear it's hard to get those hours - very easy to be scheduled for 39 hours a week - 40 not so much) sound great. But when it comes right down to it, Starbucks is evil. The coffee is burnt, I have no idea where they got this idea that a macchiato is a cup full of caramel and cream, the Frappucino is a crack like vice that KILLS, and they have forced out MANY BETTER small shops. And that SONOFABITCH SOLD MY SONICS. FUCK YOU HO-SCHU!!!!! Having said that, I go to Starbucks for one of three reasons: 1. Every weekday morning because I MUST have a Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon Breakfast Sandwich (tm). 2. I am out of town and it's going to suck less than something else. 3. I'm with the gay - he loves Starbucks. I don't know... I review these establishments based on the performance of the staff - since everything else is EXACTLY THE SAME from one store to the next. This morning some HORRIBLE BITCH behind the counter at this used to be Red Robin and then Boston Market location LIED TO ME and told me that my precious breakfast had been DISCONTINUED. This caused a NEAR NERVOUS BREAKDOWN as it's that time of the month where EVERYTHING REALLY BOTHERS ME. Barista: Oh, yeah. We discontinued that, it was in the manifest. ME: WHAT??!!! Then why am I here? Why am I not at Vivace? Wait...There's a MANIFEST? How could they do that? Discontinue the healthy one and keep the sausage, the bacon, the ham??? DO THEY WANT US ALL TO DIE TOMORROW WITH HUGE ASSES??? Barista: Did you still want your quad shot? ME: I hate you. Once I returned to my desk and inhaled a Luna Bar, things started to even out and I did a little research. The sandwich is NOT DISCONTINUED. There was just a little problem with the manufacturer. They will be discontinued with the rest of them at the end of the year. *PHEW* One star for this one and the ding bat who made me bat shit for no good reason.

  • Christian P.

    Im a fan of this Starbucks but just needs to improve on parking ( underground parking, garage, ect). Other than that I love this place. Roomy and a perfect location. Staff is friendly to :)

  • Matthew P.

    I don't normally write reviews of Starbucks (they're generally pretty interchangeable), but this one deserves a shout out for being a great coffee house by any measure. The place is comfortable and cozy, but also a great place to get work done. The coffee is standard Starbucks, but the staff is very friendly and efficient. There're a lot of coffee houses on Capitol Hill, but I think this is the best one, even though it is a Starbucks.

  • Will L.

    I imagine driving my car right through the windows of this Starbucks every time I am turning onto whatever the street is from Olive. Not because I hate Starbucks. Because... honestly I have no idea. I just imagine it. "I could totally hit my gas pedal right now and just zoom right through that window!" Maybe because the independent coffee shop down the street is gone. What was it called? Coffee Messiah? Something like that. Why is it gone? Well, I'm sure a wee bit had to do with how scary that place was and how inviting Starbucks is in its familiarity. So... last time I was in this Starbucks, lo and behold they had *drum roll* Coffee! I had an espresso. And I remembered why I always order mocha. The whip cream of course!

  • Ben H.

    Great architecture like the "stealth Starbucks." I hoped the coffee quality and staff vibe would follow suit. Unfortunately they don't use the same machines as at Roy street or 15th avenue. Nor do the staff seem like professional baristas; they merely come across as employees indoctrinated by the mothership. If you want a great Starbucks cup, go to one of the two I mentioned. They're practically down the street.

  • Frederick K.

    Went to the Starbucks next to the condo I was staying at and was very surprised. The Starbucks on the corner of Olive Way and Summit is one of the biggest and nicest Starbucks I've seen. Very nice indoor seating area plus outdoor rap around porch was very cool. Even had a gas fired fireplace to warm away the morning and even chill. Biggest surprise was the beer and wine bar in the afternoon!--makes the Seattle Capitol Hill experience particularity enjoyable watching all the people walk by in various interesting states and costumes.

  • M H.

    So many months later and they still have not figured out how to deliver a timely drink. We visit on weekday mornings prior to 8am. Last Thursday, way too many people waiting for their drinks and ONE person was making drinks. Other staff were hanging out out in the front, lazily cleaning up on the floor and taking breaks at the back bar...while way too may people were waiting. And while the staff are super nice, they need to know when to set a boundary and cut off the "nice nice" conversations with their pals to assure that customers get their drinks and get to work on time. I don't want to hear that your friend customer didn't text you back and you're pissed at them, please just give my my coffee. Maybe a new manager?

  • Cathy G.

    Class act in warmth, positivity and planning with exuberance. I can't wait- well I have to- for an event coming up here! it's been too long since Ive been back.

  • Jude O.

    The main reason I began frequenting this place is that it's open later than the one by my flat and I am able to get away from the summer festivities hosted by neighbours and have some "uninterrupted" me time to get some work done or just unwind after my day. The staff is friendly...oh well SOME.They recognize regulars and their orders and acknowledge you when you walk in.Most but 2 evening baristas-(short,dark-haired barista always in a pony-tailed bun and ironically tall dark-haired guy(named W) who I regularly see and unfortunately dread their service. They always have this "order-quick-I-have-better-things-to do" look and are not even subtle about it. Nothing gets me to me more than coming here from a long day only to receive service from someone w a pissy attitude and yet that's the line of work you're in. Way to ruin it for fellow co-workers,who are making more of an effort. sigh* The crowd varies.Never encountered any issue on that front besides occasional curious approaches or being an onlooker at a few sketchy incidents. Otherwise, a larger selection of eats,of which I like.

  • Rachel P.

    The bathroom was clean but other than that, this is the side of starbucks we all hate. uppity, yuppity baristas who aren't friendly. Even the patrons at this location where "wonky?" Urg. after a visit here, I'm glad I don't live here. My starbucks people are much nicer than these people.

  • Elizabeth L.

    Giant Starbucks with Clover, but the lines are always long and orders can get mixed up especially as the counter/pickup areas are rather crowded/cramped. Has ample seating and a nice sunny patio if you're here to hang out or people watch. This has to be one of the louder Starbucks though so never understand those who appear to be studying here...hmm. As someone who lives in the neighborhood, this location definitely doesn't feel neighborhoody - hard to get to know the baristas given the sheer crush of guests here.

  • Stan H.

    I mean it's starbucks so whatever. It's a cheap coffee shop I can bum around all day and not hurt the business's bottom line. With that said. Stop playing all the goddamn reggae. The only thing more depressing than being laid off and trying to job hunt, is being subjugated to this. Even with earbuds in this distinctive "Bum Chinka Bum Chinka" finds its way through. At least for the barista's sake they don't need this. Occasionally the music will change to something that works better as coffee house background music; but you better believe the next song up is going to be another reggae song with the same two repetitive chords all the way through. I've been to many other Starbucks and they don't operate like this. Im not asking for much just variety, and something that is a little easier to tune out. You're bumming me out starbucks.

  • Michael L.

    I love how much seating this starbucks has. It's an oasis of chairs, tables and plugs. They have clover here and the baristas are all very skilled. They all have black coffee master aprons. The drinks here have always been pretty consistent for me. This starbucks is unique and also serves beer, wine and some small snacks. Get the bacon wrapped dates, they are delicious! This is a great to place to hang out and study, they also have outdoor seating which I've never come across at a starbucks.

  • Lambert P.

    Out of ALL the Starbucks out there what makes this one so special? It's not the first one since that's in Pike Place but this one is different. They serve WINE (for the win). This Starbucks is really quite big considering how scarce space seems to be in Capitol Hill this one actually has parking spots to spare (15 minutes for customers)... ya right who goes to Starbucks for only 15 minutes? Try 15 hours if you're a mooch looking for a place to park your ass and enjoy a couch, recharge your devices and steal wifi for a day and a half. Seriously though, is this Starbucks near UW or something? I've never seen so many people lounging and wires everywhere and notebooks and tablets and phones oh my. If all radio waves were deadly this place would be a morgue. The bar is different, there's a counter on all 4 sides and on the bar that faces towards downtown has the bottles of wine and glasses all nicely lined up. Yes I said they serve wine here. It's a different concept for your typical coffee and caffeine consumer but that's cool. I went to Fonte on 1st Ave and they are also a coffee and wine bar establishment as well. Something to think about I guess...

  • Jesse S.

    seems kinda silly to come and put in my $0.02 on a giant like Starbucks.. but this review is more about the staff there. efficient, always engaging me on a friendly level with professional attentiveness. I'm always amazed at how fast I receive my order, even when they're slammed. go team!

  • Bob C.

    1/2 the time I go here the freaking barrista are grabbing my cup with the "pincer move" and sticking their *&^% forefingers down inside the cup pick the cup up. This is by far the worst starbucks in town for this freaking unsanitary behavior/service. Someone needs to take the barristas aside here and clue them in . Ever heard of hepatitis ? Did you "really" wash your hands after getting that dollar bill from "homeless George" ? Then some of them "Pat' the top of the cup ...what is up with that ? Why do you need to take the palm of your possibly unclean hand and pat ....pat....pat...pat.... the top of the cup . That's where I am going to be drinking from . At least they don't usually do the ole 'Throw the cup up in the air ... let it flip once ..and then catch it.

  • Kelly W.

    love the workers, love the coffee! super cool interior design! really classy & homey feeling. very comfortable seats, honestly a really nice place to lounge around & just sit peacefully while working on a paper or something. it's HUGE! & very different from any other Starbucks I've ever seen!

  • Katie O.

    Great place to chat with a friend and unwind, but watch out on weekends! You won't find a table unless you pounce really quickly as soon as someone starts getting up.

  • Vivian R.

    "Meh. I've experienced better." - I didn't really like the service here. The drinks are standard. It's a large location with lots of seating.

  • Mike B.

    I'm quite impressed with this Starbucks. It's clear that management and staff have a well-defined system for efficiently handling orders and delivering drinks. Service is very friendly. Beverage quality is consistent (like pretty much all Starbucks). The location itself is nice too (plenty of seating). All n' all, it's a great Starbucks experience. Will definitely be back.

  • Sarah M.

    This is by far one of my favorite Starbucks that I've visited. After 4 pm, this place turns into a great happy hour spot where you can order wine, small plates, and then the regular coffee drinks that a regular Starbucks would offer. It's really difficult to find parking, even with the lot out back, because this place is always jammed. Same with finding a seat once you are in there. I'll be honest, it was really confusing to maneuver this place. I saw a mini wine bar in the back of the store and a coffee bar when you first enter. I wasn't sure where to order my wine and small plates - but apparently you can order these right at the coffee counter. I had the truffle mac and cheese, chicken skewers, and bacon wrapped dates. I absolutely loved the truffle mac and cheese and bacon wrapped dates but thought the chicken skewers tasted a bit like frozen chicken nuggets. I had a glass of riesling which I enjoyed. The environment is much swankier than some of the other locations. I wish it was closer to home...I'll have to scout out these locations by my house.

  • Katy H.

    I drink maybe 10 coffees a year but this is my go-to Sbucks. It's great for meetings, the free WIFI is always awesome, and the space here is almost endless. I don't think I've ever come and not found at least a couple tables free. There are armchairs, sofas, outdoor tables, high-tops tables for two, low tables for 4. It looks like this company knows how to make customers happy. Maybe they're popular? ;) I like the iced tea options and while I haven't had one since the weather was warmer, there were some 'cooler' iced drink options last summer that were to die for. Great spot to co-work, work alone, host a meeting, or just sit and catch a breath over a cuppa joe.

  • Melissa F.

    This Starbucks is a great place to hang out. There is gobs of seating and there's even a parking lot. Parking lot! On Cap Hill! It's like finding a Hindu in a synagogue! The area up front is normal coffee and pastry stuff, but along the back is the beer and wine. There is even bar seating and you can watch the baristas make your coffee right next to them. The parking is 2-hour limit, which means you have plenty of time to people watch. I've never had an issue finding a place to sit, even though the place always seems crowded. If you want better and "friendlier" service, be a cute gay man. Isn't that the case all over the Hill? I'm just saying. I don't begrudge anything, I just notice that things start to get remarkably slower when I happen to stand behind a cute boy in line. ;)

  • angelica p.

    This Starbucks is nice because it's big, plenty of available seating, has it's own parking lot and all that is great in such a busy area. With that being said, they didn't quite get my order right. It's simple- I read it right off of the menu as written a tall 'Teavana Oprah Chai Tea Latte,' to which I was asked 'Do you want the bag or the latte?' So, I replied- 'I just read it off of the menu - a tall Teavana Oprah Chai Tea LATTE...' but when I got my drink, it was just a teabag steeping in some hot water. I was given the Tazo Chai Tea bag instead... Seriously? That is neither Teavana nor a latte... And with the fact that this location is endlessly busy, I don't even care to go back and hassle with correcting them. I'll just sit and enjoy the atmosphere for awhile, and when I want something else, I'll walk around the corner and get it somewhere that'll get it right.

  • Jon L.

    This Starbucks is the most recognizable one on Capitol Hill. It is one of the stores that Starbucks has used to try out new concepts. As a result, this Starbucks is one of the few locations which offer beer, wine and small plates that pare well with them in addition to a caffeine fix. This store was redesigned a couple years back. The interior is large for a Starbucks store which it makes it one of the more comfortable locations that I have been to. There is the usual coffee table and chair seating. But I also noticed bar counter seating by the coffee and food area which seems fitting for the beer and wine hours here. There are also a couple tables outside on the deck which is great for warmer days in the city. In addition to the beer and wine program, they do offer Starbucks Reserve coffees if you are tired of drinking the house blend. As far as Starbucks locations go, this is the one of the best in the Seattle area for ambiance and selection.

  • Bill F.

    I suppose I ought to reevaluate my neighborhood Starbucks, since I stop here more than anyplace during the week. However, my patronage is solely based on convenience, which Starbucks counts in large amounts. The addition of the pastries from the SFO-based company they absorbed was smart. However, their addition of morning items seems pale. I am not removing a star, but corporate needs to get smarter. They are overpricing their menu, and I may seek out another coffee provider for the morning. Two things that are wrong: The egg and cheese sandwich was an interesting novelty at the start, but it is really two dry pieces of toast wrapping up melted cheese and a slab of egg. It is super duper dry and uninteresting. The other breakfast sandwiches really do pale to other "fast" service providers. I would honestly hit a McDonald's for an egg mcmuffin over what SBs provides, simply because they taste better. My primary reasons for going to Starbucks are ice coffee and the blackberry mojitio tea lemonade. Fortunately, they won't be changing those items anytime soon.

  • Shelby J.

    This Starbucks is well known if you're frequently in Seattle and on the Hill. Also, this Starbucks gets to try out the fun, new ideas! Hence one day when my friend and I popped in to use the restroom, and get a cold tea... we ended up impulse indulging in the new things they were trying out! It was right around the time they were introducing the "Starbucks Evenings" menu. They were sampling some things for free, which we happily grazed. We ended up getting the chocolate fondue with madeleine cookies and fruit. They also let us have the salted caramel brownie for free... as a demo, which was awesome! I've come in here on more than one occasion, the staff is always friendly, always prompt. The space is always clean. The addition of the fireplace and the more "homey" feel inside this particular Starbucks is also a bonus. I dig this particular 'bucks.

  • Jason J.

    I would like to take the time thank this Starbuck's and it's staff for the continued support of this diverse community. They are always offering up a smile, a personal interest, and a comforting welcome. They provide a safe and welcoming environment, that is unconditional! Top level service, to each and every customer. They care about each customer's experience on every level. I was in the wrong. I perceived a previous visit incorrectly. So, to the staff and the management, I offer my sincere apology for the review, and misinterpretation on my visit.

  • Hoc P.

    We come here mostly for "coding time". That's right. This is my most favorite startup place. If you have been to many coffee shops in the Bay (mainly around Mountain View area), this looks very similar: large space, cozy seating behind the bar, 2 meeting rooms, outside seats, super fast wifi... They got it all. This Starbucks is one of the rare Starbucks that is friendly to us. Beside that, the staffs are super helpful, nice and cute!! That's a bonus, isn't it?

  • Anthony A.

    So we came in for the non-existent Friday night music, which wasn't a total buzz kill. We had coffee and brought a girlfriend who had wine. Well, evidently you don't train people how to open the wine bottles. You also don't tell employees people who have drip coffee with their friends having wine that refills are available, even for the dollar we were charged. Fine. But do they really have to be assholes about both the refills AND providing cream at your stations? Cuz evidently we don't get how things work here anymore

  • Libby J.

    This is an absolutely beautiful Starbucks. Roomy, ample seating, a great view, and nice employees! I am actually impressed--and this is from a girl who ends every Starbucks review with "it's a Starbucks." Well, my friends, my logic was defied. Atmosphere: There is a roomy feeling with a nice view. yes, it is mostly just of the road and some semi-cool brick buildings, but you can see a bit of downtown through the many glass paned windows. There is also a fireplace. For seating, you have your choice with ample comfy chairs, tables, and barstools. It kind of has a log cabin feel to it. I especially love the decor and just the way they have designed the cash register area. Service: Wowza! Quick and friendly. The guy didn't charge me for my syrup pump! Also, the woman took my order even before I paid and she was very enthusiastic. Honestly, the service here was the best of any Starbucks I have been to. Drinks: And in this the usual rings true. A Starbucks is a Starbucks is a Starbucks. But, familiarity and comfort are always a nice aspect and maybe one of the reasons I return to the same places around the country. A great place for a relaxing morning coffee and a nice view.

  • Estella P.

    This Starbucks is a great place to have a cup of coffee and relax in one of their comfy chairs or couches and cozy up near the fireplace. I just love the ambiance here. There are plenty of tables so you can set up your laptop and browse the internet for awhile or study. If you arrive after 4 pm you can can order a glass of wine or beer and some apps. They should have more stores like this.

  • Joao C.

    Love love love this place for a little work or just daydreaming in the afternoon. It has parking space on capitol Hill; the baristas are super friendly.

  • Rix G.

    Love this Starbucks! Great Location, VERY NEW and CLEAN! The service is very fast and friendly! They also have wine at night, I have yet to try it though. All the reason to come back!

  • Koa M.

    The cashiers are friendly, the coffee is good. The wait time though is always a long time. I have waited 15minutes for 2 Macchiatos before. However they were open Christmas day!

  • Michelangelo S.

    My Best Starbucks Experience Ever SITREP Wow. I think I died and went to Starbucks-Heaven. This is not to diminish any of the the other Starbucks that I will always patronize (especially in California and Maryland), because the reality is I will always be on the road, always traveling, and I will need my "go-to" Starbucks in whatever city I find myself. But THIS Starbucks has everything I value under one roof (and OUTSIDE the roof-area as well actually because of it's bitchen patio). SETUP The reasons why I think this Starbucks is firing on all pistons, and then some, is because of turbo-charged "caffeinated"-additions, such as: * Nestled snuggly in One of my favorite neighborhoods: Seattle's CAPITOL HILL, the home of some of my bestest and most special peeps * It is without question the biggest & most spacious Starbucks that I've personally ever been in * Features a large variety of open seated-areas, and large side rooms and secluded study areas for any size group, or just an invidual seated at the bar * Surprisingly features a large selection of great award winning Wines and popular local Beers (yes, this was indeed a surprise for me to find alcohol here!) * And I can pay from my iPhone! (something I hear that has been around for sometime, even at the Starbucks in SF and Sacramento that I have frequent, but it took the lovely barista here at this Starbucks to inform me and show me this cool little process). POSTING This Starbucks is indeed used by a lot of students, business-people, entrepenuers, hook-ups, and is ideal for the "fun group post-decompression after dinner or pre-dance-event / club meet-up". But much of the time, this Starbucks IS the destination itself, and I can see why this is so since this spot - my lovely friend Clover told me it once was a Ruby Tuesday (no shit, really?) - has a very workable physical plant, very beautiful furnishings, and a lot vibrant decor. So I have no problem just posting here for 3-4 hours, working wifi, facebooking & yelping, downloading OS updates, syncing my iPhone with iTunes, uploading pictures, etc. And yes, I actually have never been at this Starbucks for less than 3 hours at a time: you go into it, it will OWN you for the next few hours... and I like that (kinda like the girls I date)... THE LOWDOWN If you make it to Seattle and want to see an awesome Starbucks set-up, this is the one you want to come to.

  • Jon E.

    This is the best Starbucks in Seattle. It's almost like their flagship store. My favorite are the Starbucks Reserve coffees, which they brew on a Clover machine, which is only available at probably 200 Starbucks world-wide - and this is the only place in Seattle that has it! By having Starbucks Reserve coffees, there's usually around 4-5 special coffees you can have made single-cup just for you! These are usually pretty exotic single-sourced coffees, such as their amazing Hawaiian Ka'u coffee. They also usually have a Tanzanian (though sometimes just the Ethiopian). It's actually pretty fun, because the Reserve coffees come and go based on the growing seasons, so they're always awesome. I usually put cream and sugar in my coffee, but with the reserve coffees, I usually cut them back considerably because the coffee is just so good on its own. This place gets extra points because they're open super late. I believe they're open until 11pm every day! And they have a parking lot!

  • Kevin W.

    The thing about Starbucks that makes me hesitant to review any of their stores is that over 99% of them don't stand out from the others in any way. Not this one. I actually have to come here very often because my work takes me here (my job is to check the parking lot for this store). And when it's a hot summer afternoon and you're right at a store that sells drinks, why not make a visit and buy something? When I did just that, I found a store that's more inviting than most cafés. Although I don't know whether I'll ever get the chance to do so, I'd say this store is worth going out of your way to visit. The atmosphere of this place really impresses me because you've got the fireplace, nice comfy-looking chairs with hordes of people on their laptops, and an overall pleasing layout that's nothing like the plainness you get at most other stores. The customers seem to be satisfied too, which I take to be a good sign. I've also found the baristas to be friendly, and they give me the passcode for entering the bathroom every single time. How nice of them to do so, because I don't know of any other public bathrooms in the area that are as accessible. It was on a really hot day that I ordered one of their new very berry hibiscus refreshers. The name is quite appropriate because nothing hits the spot like one of these during summertime. It's a very watery drink with kind of a tea feel to it, and filled with ice cubes and berries. I never even imagined that Starbucks made anything like this, but I liked it. If that's any indication of the quality of their other products, then I sure won't be passing up this place in the future.

  • Yvonne B.

    Venti Americano w/ 1 extra shot and an eight grain roll. I just received a demo on the Verismo cafe machine and a free if Marsala Chi from Marlene. Black Friday sale today and tomorrow fir $99.00.

  • Ninette C.

    30 for 30: I pretty much just rate Starbucks' against themselves at this point and this one takes the cake. As many have pointed out, this isn't your average Starbucks. This is one of the fancy ones with small plates and wine!! They also have the reserve coffee here for those who want a $6 coffee. The amount of space in here is amazing. They have a fireplace, couches and tables on one side and then on the other side are two study rooms with big tables. It reminds me of those study rooms at UW except way cooler. It's surprisingly not crowded and loud as many Starbucks' are hence why I usually don't hang out in them. We were here in the evening and there was a group of policemen too. This place has a little parking but I wouldn't count on it. I am putting this and Greenlake as my favorite Starbucks. I am still really hoping they change the Greenlake one to a fancy Starbucks like this!

  • Rhoden J.

    I dont get how this is the great legacy of Seattle. There use to be a great quality to the world that is now lacking and there use to be a place that I called home. That place is no more and the result is water flavored coffee. The level of what I thought was real was no longer. Down with coperate worlds.

  • Jonathan H.

    My favorite Starbucks! It's crowded but it is a great place to work or study. Parking is limited tho.

  • Chris M.

    OK Starbucks wins. They build coffee shops like this one on Olive in disguise, to fit in with the neighborhood and trick people into thinking they are at a cozy local cafe and not just one of the many thousands of Starbucks worldwide. I used to scoff at this because---the coffee tastes the same, the baristas are trained the same and the acoustic pop music is the same. Why do they win? Because, despite it's underlying Starbuxness, I don't think of this place as a Starbucks when I'm there. I think of it as a cafe with a bad-ass location near the bus stop, Denny Way, Olive Way and Summit Ave. Even though I don't really like Starbucks coffee, I go to this place at least once per week because it is awesome. The staff is super friendly but not patronizing, the dining area is huge and extremely comfortable and the views of the city are amazing from this intersection on lower capitol hill.. Also, there is a fireplace nestled into an exterior wall between the cafe and the patio, so people on both sides can warm up by the fire. Very niiiice.

  • Jane D.

    Nice store, FANTASTIC employees! And beautiful grass thingies planted outside the door. I always score parking eventually here.--Another plus. This store really embodies the 'third place' concept. I really feel like it's my living room---where a bunch of people are drinking wine! IN MY LIVING ROOM! Actually I always sit at the bar in the back. Away from all those wine drinkers...

  • Adam S.

    This starbucks location seems pretty popular in caphill. The ambiance is great (not your typical starbucks) and has more of a mountain lodge feeling to it. With plenty of seating, and private meeting rooms, its ideal for bringing your laptop to do some work while sipping on a hot cup of coffee. Unlike most starbucks, this location definitely has a "cozy" feeling to it. It's also right by the bustop for the 8 and 43 lines -- very convenient to run in and grab a cup of coffee while you're waiting for the bus in the morning.

  • Anna G.

    Very quick service line, very efficient staff. Nice homey feel with a decent amount of seating. A+ as far as Starbucks goes!

  • Danielle C.

    This Starbucks is very beautiful and is one of my favorite Starbucks in Seattle. The interior has mostly dark tones in its furniture and it kind of feels like a lounge/mini bar after hours. This Starbucks, in addition to its usual coffee lineup, has beer and wine, and small plates, which are pretty delicious. I haven't tried the wine or beer yet so I can't comment. They do have Clover machines here, along with Reserve coffees, so I would definitely try to snag a cup if you can. Clover is a machine in which it's like a reverse french press and brews the perfect cup each time! Also there is a small parking lot here, and if you don't have a car it is very close to the bus line.

  • Ian W.

    Bestbestbest. I love this location. Beautiful inside. Kind of reminds me of a really cool, old, restored warehouse-type building. Great, cozy, homey place for me to concentrate on work. The vibe just keeps me coming back, and I haven't really bothered to stop and think why. The fireplace (accessible from inside and outside, I found out not too long ago) is great, and the furniture is super comfortable, provided you can find a place to sit. The people behind the counter are always super chill. I've talked to each of them for a little while at least once. They're genuine and friendly! They like working at Starbucks, and it shows, and that totally counts for brownie points from a customer's POV. I frequent this place, and will continue to do so until I've consumed so much coffee that I actually start shrinking and can't reach the counter. Then, I'll stop.

  • Chad Y.

    Fellow Yelpers...hear me out. I know what you are thinking. "Chad is giving a four star review to a Starbucks? What the hell?" Let's put aside the stigma that Starbucks has and just say the E. Olive Starbucks offers a truly different experience that is something different and something that I can appreciate. It is not your neighborhood Starbucks, unless you live near E. Olive then this particular location would be your neighborhood Starbucks.... Beautifully appointed, this location offers a plethora of seating comfortably laid out so that you aren't overhearing the incessant typing of the wannabe writer next to you on their macbook. It also has a few group rooms if you happen to need the space. Well staffed, the wait for drinks (or the glass of wine) is never long and while you might complain about the coffee, it is consistent no matter which location you go to. The staff are pleasant and helpful and know how to keep the line moving so that you can get your fix and be on your way. Definitely check it out if you are in the area. It might just change your entire perception of an international chain known for burnt coffee beans.

  • Kevin C.

    To all the wannabes who hate on starbucks, I'd like to invite you to sip on a cup of Clover-brewed coffee in this beautiful space. Dark wood, stone, and glass make for a space that's both open but warm, inviting but sleek. And any space with a clover always gets an extra star in my book. I couldn't give 5 stars because when I first walked in and saw the counter layout I thought I was having a stroke b/c i saw double. It's a weirdly symmetrical set up that I'm sure made sense on paper, to have 2 registers, side by side, but in practice, is quite confusing. Overall, I love this Sbux, I love clover, and I love beautiful spaces. Come here. Please.

  • Brittney B.

    I would come back any day for their customer service!! I was purchasing teacher appreciation gift cards and asked the barista Chelsea if she would be able to put the gift cards in tall cups for me to use as a creative way to wrap the gift cards. I also asked if she would put coffee beans in them as well-- I didn't mind purchasing them. She was super friendly and said "of course" without any hesitation! She even gave me some tissue paper so I could make the top of the cup look like "whip cream." Another Employee- Christopher- put my cups in a cup holder and even added straws. These gifts for some preschool teachers turned out amazing thanks to these 2 employees. They went above and beyond and didn't have to do what they did. I couldn't have been more thankful with my experience I had tonight due to the exceptional customer service I received!! Thank you !!

  • Marcus T.

    I have to say, I honestly can't imagine anything this Starbucks could do more for it's customers. Here's a list of a few highlights: 1. In the craziness that is the Denny/Olive block of Capitol Hill, they offer parking which is completely above and beyond. Granted I live 1/4 block away so I never use it but it amazes me that they offer it in this area. I can't think of anything else except supermarkets and huge chain bookstores that do that within walking distance. Plus they are smart and rent it out in the evenings after they close which is a really nice thing for the locals because it keeps some of the gaggle of bar-bound vehicles away from our precious street parking. 2. This location is extremely spacious. There are plenty of seats and I've never had a problem finding one. 3. There's a fireplace surrounded by comfy couches! 4. THEY SERVE WINE! And it doesn't suck either. I ordered a smooth glass of Malbec for $8 and it came with a surprise dish of spiced pumpkin seeds. Who doesn't like surprises? The barista even said "Hi Marcus here's your Malbec and a dish of spiced pumpkin seeds we think pairs well with the wine." Nice touch. 5. There are always enough people working so even if it's packed the wait is seldom more than a minute or two. 6. Superb people watching. 7. And last is of course the consistently friendly service that bring me back to Starbucks. I drink a lot of coffee and Starbucks is far from the finest quality, especially with the amazing roasters we have in Seattle, which is why I usually go to small places that have a funky unique vibe and make me feel hip. But Starbucks has got customer service down and when I do go to one, this one is by far my favorite.

  • Kristine H.

    Parking is simply non-existent here but it's the area... you get used to it. You'd best be walking or taking public transit. That said, it's spacious inside and they serve beer. Why on earth you'd grab a beer at a Starbucks when there's better alternatives around though? I don't know... anyway, the coffee is the same at any other Starbucks. I'd suggest checking them out once because the location + its patrons = interesting. And by interesting, I mean the usual amalgam of folks from the Hill.

  • Susan G.

    It's a Starbucks. Seriously, you know what you're getting. The outside of the building looks pretty cool and I like how it fits in with the unique character of the neighborhood. The inside is pretty big. There's better coffee in the neighborhood, but it's a decent place to do work.

  • Michael P.

    The staff that work here are some of the most well trained Starbucks baristas in the area. It is a high demand location and the staff always have a smile and are great on the orders. I've been to a lot of Starbucks across the nation and this place is one of the few that can make the iced coffee right.

  • Angela B.

    This is one of my favorite Starbucks (other than the Green Lake one)! It's such a nice cozy environment, the tables are inviting with lots of space between them. You can sit outdoors and they even have an outdoor/indoor fireplace to stay warm even during the cold months. There is parking, although the lot is small, it's better than nothing. You do need to remember the bathroom code. A few months ago, it was 90210 which I enjoyed as I found it amusing and easy to remember. The baristas are wonderful and the one time they forgot my order (and then someone came by and asked if I had gotten my order yet), they were super nice and got me a drink coupon to come back again. So even that time, was a wonderful experience! Great place to meet with friends or just chill out with a good book! I don't even live or work on Cap Hill, but I sure end up coming here a lot :)

  • Lauren B.

    I hate awarding the mega-corporation Starbucks 4 stars, when their coffee is over-roasted and blahh, but I'm rating this specific location on its unique features, so bear with me. And anyway, you're reading this review, so obviously you've already given up on drinking good coffee. On to the review proper: The staff are friendly. One woman in particular is very beautiful and nice. Should I rate places on the attractiveness of their staff? I do all the time. Whatever. They have nice comfy couches and outdoor seating. If you drive, guess what, they have a parking lot. They have delightful "study rooms" which you can reserve, with big tables where you can spread out all of your French materials. How nice. They have free wi-fi. Oh and they sell coffee, a life-giving elixir. Sweet!

  • Rudi T.

    This was the Starbucks that I had my first clover brewed coffee at. Regular brew coffee was never the same since then. I visited it post renovation after which they became the first Starbucks that served wine and beer. They now also have reserve selections which are typically twice the price of regular brew coffee but well worth it if you order them clover brewed. The only other Starbucks that can rival this location is the one at The U Village. The staffs are great as all Starbucks staffs are. This location is more homey during cold season when they have the fireplace going. There are work tables that can be reserved along with other first come first serve tables and comfy sofas.

  • Dave L.

    It's a Starbucks. What do you expect. But out of all hundreds of Starbucks shops I've been in, this is one of my very favorites. Top three for sure.

  • Nick H.

    Welcome to the fanciest Fivebucks on the planet. It sure is nice inside! Too bad they serve the same old mediocre over-roasted coffee. It's also a confusing setup--I spent several minutes on the wrong side of the bar waiting for my order. Put up some signs or tell me where to go! What's cool is that they serve beer and wine! Oh wait, I forgot... so do dozens of bars and restaurants within walking distance of here that have more atmosphere and aren't run by anti-worker corporate douches. Nice try Fivebucks. I'll still swing by once in a blue moon for one of your yummy breakfast sammiches, but I'll be getting my coffee, beer and wine elsewhere.

  • Vicki L.

    Oh god, I'm writing a review.. for Starbucks ... in Seattle ... bring onnn the hate! (kidding) Anyhow, it is no secret that I am the family coffee snob, especially since I've moved here, where you can't throw a rock without hitting an indie coffee shop / roaster. That said, I usually make it a point NOT to buy coffee from the 'buck when I'm home (in Northern California it's an entirely different story, but that's another story for another day) simply because there are just so many other and (dare I say) better options. HOWEVER, I'm a sucker for a good deal, and I happen to know that the company is currently doing their "treat receipt" program from july til sometime in September, in an attempt to woo afternoon visitors (for those not in the know, if you buy any drink in the AM before 2pm and keep your receipt, you can bring it in and get any medium/grande iced drink for $2 after 2pm on the same day), and today I thought "I will need afternoon caffeine, so I might as well get my morning caffeine and a coupon for the second drink later." I hesitantly popped in (since this location is one of the 2 starbucks I pass on my daily walk to work, the other being inside a grocery store, um, no thanks) and despite a somewhat long line, was pleased to see how quickly the staff moved through orders. I found the baristas to be perfectly perky/charming, if a bit artificial (hey, whatever, I'm paying a premium for coffee, so you can fake a smile right?), and I was happy that they didn't seem super confused when I wanted my cappuccino iced (surprisingly, a lot of cafes turn their noses up at this. I know what you're thinking, "iced cap? isn't that just a latte with foam?" yes, yes it is, only with less milk and more foam!). Long story short, I actually really enjoyed my 5 minutes in this Starbucks, soaking in the wood grain and "rustic industrial chic" interior design and the perfectly unoffensive soft alt-rock playing in the background. If ever I have a strange craving for corporate chain espresso, I'll make it a point to visit THIS Starbucks over the one inside the ol' Safeway ;)

  • Anne O.

    I really like this location: The space, the quick service, and the very nice staff. It is one of my favorite Starbucks in Seattle. That said, here is a note to a couple of folks on the staff, which I convey with all due respect: I know you think you are good singers. You are not. If you could be so kind as to refrain from breaking out into song at 10-minute intervals, I would be immensely appreciative, as would, I am sure, everyone else in this place. Also, to the associate who seems to talk constantly (about anything, really) and does so using what must be her loudest voice, which sometimes comes tinged with a poor version of a British accent: Please stop. The loud chatter is disturbing, both literally and figuratively.

  • Regina D.

    The perfect *$ for the cozy PNW feel, wine and beer bar, always able to find a seat, and reservations taken for the airy group rooms tucked along the walls.

  • Sharon F.

    This is probably the prettiest, classiest, fanciest, warmest, loveliest, [insert superlative adjective] Starbucks I have ever been to. As much as I love my indie coffee shops, this Starbucks won over my heart. The interior is beautiful. I love the central kitchen/space, and even with all the baristas, equipment and people, it's surprisingly quiet and beautiful. Careful sitting too close to the speakers though; even Feist could sound too loud. There's a fireplace, space for at least 60 people inside, bar stools, huge couches, round and rectangular desks, and a patio that surrounds the building that sits at least 30 people. There are tons of outlets so it's a great place to work or meet people. They serve normal, Reserve, Clover, all the espresso drinks and even ... ALCOHOL? For a Canadian, that's just unbelievable. There is even wine and coffee tasting on Friday evenings! The staff are also the friendliest ever. They recommend items, instantly remember your name, take care in making the espressos and come up with inventive ways to combine flavours in your latte. Today I discovered what Cinnamon Dolce sprinkles can do to brighten up your morning.

  • Vash S.

    First I like the size and layout of this locations interior. They did well with this location, it originally being a Red Robin. Service is great here, and they'd have 5 stars, but my extra hot venti cup had a flattened defect on the rim 3/4 in long which was a possible leak point and didn't allow the lid to stay popped on. Luckily I was carrying the cup with a few fingers on the bottom side of the cup so when I got to my car and grab it by the top the lid came right off. This could have been a mess and hurt ruining anyones start of the day. Went back in and let them know nicely and had the cup swapped out. Those closing food or drink containers in the service industry. Don't forget it is a reasonable service to customers to also ensure the seal of your packaging in that quick moment it takes. This was not a complaint though; I will be coming back to this location among others I frequently visit.

  • Ryan N.

    A pretty fancy starbucks. Wide-open space and plenty of seats both inside and outside. Little private rooms for meetings. Efficient operations -- printed drink orders, sticker labeled drinks, dual lines, dual cashiers, and multiple baristas for optimal service. Bar and Wine section is a plus.

  • Corinne M.

    This place actually really upset me. I'm not familiar with the area, and ended up walking over a mile straight up a hill in shoes that were not made for long walks, and when I got to this starbucks I was thirsty, but also really had to use the bathroom. I walked in, and the line to order was long, so I wanted to use the bathroom first. I asked where it was, and the lady behind the counter said "Well it's for our customers only, but I'll let you use it anyways"; I was offended. I asked her what made her think that I was not a customer, and she smiled, did not respond, and gave me the wrong code to get into the bathroom. As I was walking out I saw a bunch of younger people playing a game and not many of them were even drinking coffee. They can stay and play, be treated like customers without even buying anything, but I was not treated like a customer because I asked to use the restroom prior to ordering a drink? I was upset, so I just left. Don't assume someone is not a customer, I'll go somewhere else that will treat me like one.

  • Sarah L.

    This is my favorite Starbucks in the world. I remember this Starbucks before it was renovated, and the construction and inconvenience that its absence caused annoyed me for months. I couldn't figure out what they were doing and why it needed to be "fixed." But once it opened (and I think I went on the opening day!), I immediately felt that the months of waiting were well worth it. The ambiance is fantastic. Not only is it unlike any other Starbucks that I've visited, but it's really unlike most cafes. It has an outdoor area for the sunny summer days, but it's really best to nestle inside by the fireplace on a dark, overcast, Seattle winter day. :) You have all the usual Starbucks goodness, but this was also the first Starbucks to serve beer and wine back in 2010. Need I say more? Perk: Free parking for Starbucks patrons in Capitol Hill.

  • Joshua B.

    Finally got a chance to stop in the massively overhauled Starbucks on Olive way and was glad I did. The space is huge and inviting with lots of areas to sit (including a large room off to the side that appeared like it was rentable or reservable). The coffee is what you'd expect - not my favorite - but I set my expectations appropriately at Starbucks. They accept the mobile payment app, which I think is cool, only from a technology perspective. They've got the free AT&T wifi, and you can tell the local students are taking advantage of that as it seemed everyone was studying something. The rest of the crowd appears to be the self-employed or at-home workers getting our for some company. Definitely one of the nicer Starbucks I've been in and the baristas were friendlier than I expected given the crush of people ordering. The parking lot fills up, but I managed to snag a spot, which was free, and in that part of Capitol Hill that's amazing.

  • Michael G.

    Great location on CapHill. One of only two SBUX that serve beer and wine. Parking is available in a lot, which is cool for CapHill. Great staff, as usual. Bathrooms have a combo lock, and they are very clean as a result. Nice touch.

  • Kayan H.

    Same ol' same ol', but that's why I love 'em. At least in Seattle they almost always get my complicated drink consistently correct and delicious. This one is in a busy spot, but there's a parking lot so i LOVE it and it's HUGE and cozy feeling. There's wine here now, too! Haven't tried it but will soon!

  • Heather H.

    I finally came to the fancy pants Starbucks! Honestly its no more different than most other coffee shops with the exception of bigger and finer seating space. Yes, now serving wine is suppose to be a 'big' thing but with a happy hour here as well it can be a really nice deal when there. Most interestingly is the crowd mix remains the same (CH hipsters) and a few sleek downtowners perched here and there. It left me just with the impression of wanting to sit down and stay a little longer than i do usually in most other Starbucks Same coffee. More menu items.

  • Gerald U.

    It was really strange having a beer at starbucks, but it started to grow on me. I wish they had a little bit more space between the coffee drinkers and the wine and alcoholic drinkers. The crowded atmosphere made me feel like an alcoholic! Hard to ever find parking at this starbucks though! Make sure your not driving to this starbucks! Regardless, GU APPROVED!

  • Pablo G.

    To be fair... last few times I've been here my lattes have been pretty good and the other nearby coffee shops seem to be resting in their laurels. Therefore this Starbucks gets 4 big stars 1 for consistency 1 for not having to put up with attitude 1 for wifi always on 1 for having a place to park Wait... what??? big corporate Starbucks is making smaller coffee shops play catch up? you bet 6/8/12 What? I had a bad customer service experience? yup, with a barista who grabbed the food item I purchased and then "softly" threw it on the counter (I'm a big boy, what do I care?) but she had this unpleasant smile, the kind you see from an air steward when the plane begins to nosedive. I was never offered a plate (yes, I'm a regular here, my bad) so I'm used to being offered a plate and even have the food item warmed up. However, this won't change the rating I've given this Starbucks, the rest of the staff here is marvelous and it would be unfair and it would not truly reflect their solid and consistent commitment to offer a great product and a great service. Which they do.

  • J C.

    They're pretty nice... but they have yet to get my order right. : /

  • Alfredo S.

    The service is good really good!!!

  • Monkey T.

    The most beautiful Starbucks ever. Spacious, dark corners, lighted desks, almost feels like a lounge with tables. Awesome patio area outside. Day or night, this shop is the -hit! Love it here. A quick pit stop turned into, "Ya know what? Let's stay awhile..." Monkey can't wait to come back for absolutely no reason.

  • Oliver S.

    As good as it gets (Until the standards are raised of course)! The internet works! The drip coffee is freshly ground for each new batch! The employees are pleasant. The spaces are comfortable. I couldn't have asked for more!

  • Jonathan B.

    I love Starbucks! I usually drink drip coffee because I love the strong, bold flavors (Gold Coast being my favorite)! I think serving wine and beer was an excellent move on their part. It has the inviting and relaxing environment that you expect in a coffee shop which is what makes the experience exceptional for sipping wine with friends. It is much better than a noisy restaurant or a lounge with music that is too loud!

  • B J.

    Ambience - A- (can get a little crowded-but a great new renovated cool place to hang) Service- A Food- A (they serve salumi meats!!!) Price - A - (well, come on. You're paying for the ambience. and a Starbucks with beer/ wine- who'd thunk!) A grand opening of renovated Starbucks on capital Hill!!! And they serve salumi meats and lovely cheese platters as well as other food options. And get this. Beer and wine after 4:00!!! That's bollocks!!!

  • Conner H.

    I just want to say "screw you, Barista that took my order." I ordered a Mocha with half the pumps of chocolate (2 instead of 4), and then asked for one pump of cinnamon dolce instead (that's 3 pumps in my drink that comes with 4 standard at the price that it's listed as). So instead of being decent and just charging me for the a mocha, she charges me for a mocha plus a charge for the cinnamon dolce.... I asked her if she was really going to charge me because I had asked for only 2 pumps of chocolate. Her response "yes, I can't control what the computer does". Yeah, bull shit... I used to work at Starbucks. Of course you control what charges are made. The barista that made my drink was nice and chatty though... so I'll give 3 stars. Not to mention this place is NICE inside.

  • Bigfoot ..

    They sell beer and wine here!!

  • Doug S.

    I call this the "mothership Starbucks". It's huge. Among my friends we also call this place "gay-bucks". You'll see.....(it's fab!) It's also about a block from my house and it's also open on Sundays. Everybody else fails with these requirements, so I find myself going to Starbucks at least every weekend for my espresso fix. The salted carmel mochas that they're seasonally promoting right now are off the frickin' hook delicious. My mouth is watering thinking of it right now. Lots of places to sit (did I mention this establishment is huge?). Beer on tap also wine available. I just can't fathom going to a Starbucks to get my drink on. That ain't gonna happen.

  • Josh T.

    Hmm complaints about the baristas? Every time I've been here, I leave thinking these are asking the nicest and not just fake nice but actually conversational. The clover machine, beer and wine are a plus. I guess a few baristas have attitude cuz they work at the fancy bucks, but those are the minority. One of my fav bucks'

  • Andrea M.

    I don't like coffee, but I like Starbucks because they're one of the few coffee shops that serve smoothies. And boy was my smoothie tasty! The baristas/broistos[?] were all very nice and efficient. We went and sat outside and a guy came by twice asking us if we wanted any more drinks or water. Pretty awesome. The inside looks really cool, and the outside is nice as well. PLUS they serve wine!? Amazing. High-five, Starbucks. You've outdone yourself this time.

  • Sean V.

    Greatplace always packed ,,,tip do not leave your stuff like pc or ipad apple laptop and stuff got taken right under a packed if you leave for a smoke or rr break beware ...but to be fair this crime happens in other coffeeshops and places.i thank the starbux staff for their support and encouragements.marlene,josh,jenna,hillary ,bryan,gwen and starbux for stepping up i hope tht it wld install more cameras so they can prevent and prosecute these criminals.great rewards and perks tht u wnt receive in any other coffee shops fantastic people working hard and smiling everyday tks!!!

  • Wayne M.

    Coffee is good, but I've been going here for over 5 years, due to proximity to my apartment, but after all this time they still don't know what I drink and they do tend to be slow. The few baristas who remembered my drink didn't work there too long. Must have gone on to greener pastures. Not a bad place but the staff never seem very happy. Maybe I should be more understanding, but it's kind of a downer going in there. Coffee is consistently good though. Can't fault that. Hve been back since the new remodel and things have definitely improved. The atmosphere is very chill and conducive to hanging out with friends playing games (as I do) or just geeking out on your laptop (as MANY others do) There are many new staff members here and they are all very friendly, cordial and upbeat. Drinks are still consistently well made. Changing my rating from 2 stars to 4.

  • Damon D.

    Being in the heart of Capitol Hill it's no wonder this review will have a slight gay boy slant but don't let that get you down if it's not your bag. This is one of the largest Starbucks I've found with plenty of tables and couches to lounge around in. The staff rotates fairly often so I'm not sure if this is a main training location or what but they are always nice, friendly and usually funky (in the good way). My pals and I call this location "Starbar" as it's a nice place to casually mingle with all the guys you usually only see in the darkness of nightclubs. There are lots of mobile workers that spend their afternoons pounding away on keyboards and staring into glowing screens (unfortunately I'm one of them). Also big on the list are casual meetings and real estate conversations as it seems to be a popular realtor stop on the neighborhood tour. The only downside is parking can be a bear and NEVER park in their lot and walk somewhere else. I've personally seen many-a-car towed from there. The screaming fits and tantrums by the towed car owners are more than enough reason to make a trip into this Starbucks! Feel free to drop off a venti, non-fat, 8 pump, no water chai at my table anytime.

  • Scott A.

    Bad experience this morning at this Starbucks. Cashier completely ignored me; helped another customer with a refill who went up to register after me. Will never go back to this Starbucks. The experience has caused me to be even more prejudiced against anything to do with Starbucks coffee, which Wolfgang Puck has said is crap.

  • Derek M.

    been there a few times and every time it was fast and the coffee was perfect. food it always delicious! ill be back! wish it had more parking tho :/

  • Josh S.

    Great morning. Amazing clover coffee brew. Better than French press. Will be back tomorrow.

  • Jess J.

    I am typically not a Starbucks fan, but the proximity to my apartment and the friendly barristas at this store is an exception. The place is large and comfortable, with plenty of cushy single-seats or large tables for important discussions. Sadly, their music purchasing system has disappered, but I get the feeling that with the traffic and location, this store is a bit of a test-bed for both new ideas and new staff. That said, the regular staff that I've seen for months are all friendly, and are actually happy in the early morning (which I'm not). They get a lot of customers, but typically move through the lines pretty fast without that 'coffee-nazi' attitutude busy places often have. And they are happy to let you work away on a laptop for long periods of time without questions. A great place to do out-of-home/out-of-office work, along with the other half-dozen regulars on computers at any given time. Like the previous review mentioned, this is a great place to overhear interesting conversations. I've gained insights ranging from the real estate market to the process a therapist uses to bring a shut-in out into social areas. I've even witnessed a quiet arguement between a building contractor and developer which quickly escalated into the most hushed volley of personal insults I've ever seen. THAT is entertainment you can't put a price on. The coffee: meh.... Personal taste I guess.

  • Nate H.

    It seems that yelp should have a coffee or coffee bakery section of its categories almost but then you forget thats its not only in seattle. I visited the Starbucks location on caphill going towards downtown which is a nice location actually, the staff have always been pretty nice however at this one they actually let me sit down several times without buying something first when many places won't allow that at all the staff didn't say anything to me. I no longer drink coffee but overall I'm glad to hear they lowered there prices since I think a lot of there pastries and other things are over priced. I sometimes have some of there other drinks but never liked there coffee, at the time of my last visit the guy saw in my wallet somehow that I had a ronald mc donald card and while the staff were friendly, got into a conversation with me about how they thought he was weird and maybe a child mollester; I didn't say but I thought they were completely weird. I don't think I needed the additional information that the woman had a bad dream or maybe it was a nightmare. Aside from that one really odd conversation staff have always been ok with my not wanting coffee but will always ask, and are pretty good about not heating the pastry to hot when I tell them though its frustrating to have to remember to say not to hot on drinks or pastries, you would hope they could just find the right temperature and not have to do it pipping hot but guess some people like that. After having coffee in vitnam on a trip though I don't think i can really drink american coffee.

  • Jennie O.

    I've only been to this Starbucks a few times, but had a good experience each time. I absolutely love the atmosphere and feeling. I would be a regular but I don't go to Capital Hill that much. But for all the Starbucks in Seattle, this one's my fav.

  • James C.

    Having, in the last year, been to SBUX in four countries outside the US, as well as obvious candidates in the US, this is one of the best (along with the shop on rue St Dominique). Courteous and professional staff who are delight to know, spacious cafe with parking, and wonderful location with outdoor seating.

  • shannon e t.

    four stars for making my daily whole milk, no water, no foam chai. fifth star because they knew me and my drink in less than two weeks.

  • Kailyn E.

    The barista's here are top notch! The manager and her core crew are absolutely terrific! They always remember what I drink. I noticed that there has been a turnover lately of staff, but the core group that stayed is amazing, plus there is very nice addition. There was a new young man behind the counter who was very pleasant. Keep up the good work! I couldn't imagine a morning without you all!


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :5:00 am - 11:00pm
  • Mon : 5:00 am - 11:00pm


  • Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Parking : Private Lot
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Wi-Fi : Free
    Good for Working : Yes


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