SquareRüt Kava Bar Menu

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Healthy Meal suggestions for SquareRüt Kava Bar

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Visit below restaurant in Austin for healthy meals suggestion.

  • Geoffrey T.

    Trippy stuff, Kava. Terrible to taste but surprisingly relaxing. It gives you a small high kind of similar to hydrocodon or THC but supposedly it's not addictive...and legal. Very informative people at this location. Knowledgeable about their products. We got a Groupon to try it with a free growler to take it home in. I wish they had these in dallas. Kava has possible side effects with you liver so research this before you go full Kava but enjoy!

  • Nam V.

    Hi there. I had the pleasure of meeting Jason at Squarerut last night. Let's talk about him first. Jason can take someone that is new or nearly new to the concept of kava root and bring them on board in a very friendly, inviting, and professional way. I was not completely unfamiliar with kava but I did witness him introduce some shells to some nervous Groupon guests. He certainly does a good job. With that, I am new enough to the kava world to ask plenty of questions. Jason enjoyed answering every question I had about different menu items and what to expect. Before leaving, I met Tracy (owner) and enjoyed conversing with her as well. This place is calm and not "too much" of anything. Jason had some island music playing at a low volume. If you have done your research on kava, which I highly suggest you, you will know that kava and loud music don't mix. That's what 6th St and Lone Star tall boys are for. If you are looking for a jungle setting, you won't be excited about this place. From what I see, they are a business that is trying to make kava a normal thing and not a scene out of Tarzan film. The setting is perfect as is. Go in and try "The Program" series if it is your first time trying kava. If you like it, add another shell. I live nearly forty miles away but I will at least come back once or twice a month for Monday happy hour. My only disappointment was that they were out of one of their types of kava. I doubt that this is a regular occurrence and I will make up for it next time. I have no actual complaints. I would say that since there are only about a dozen of these places open in the United States (with 8 of them being in Florida) and that this is the only kava business open in Texas, it is well worth checking out. About the (few) negative reviews... it seems to me that this has to do with the general taste of kava more than anything. I like mine straight out of the dirt but if you want flavor, give them a dollar and you have flavor. You wouldn't give a pizza place a negative review because you don't like the taste of cheese, would you? Go to SquareRut. If it's Monday, maybe I will see you there. - Vandon

  • Paul H.

    This is not an alcohol bar. Kava calms the stress-jitters without turning people into drunk jerks. It's an acquired muddy-tingle taste. I've got chronic back-pain and Kava takes the muscle-tension out of it. I'm a regular here and I love it. I come here to get away from the stress of the office. People come here to be friendly and relaxed. It has a casual vibe that's warm and slow, like hanging out on a neighbor's porch. It's the place where I've made friends who hug hello and goodbye. The regulars here are awesome and the staff adds to the social vibe of the place.

  • Joe C.

    Free wifi, Gramatik on the playlist, big windows providing great lighting, unique artwork and a coolio staff...this is THE place to lounge in the south ATX. They frequently have Groupons so be sure to check that out before you swing by. My favorite strain is Borogu which is a sort of muscle relaxant with a mild touch of euphoria. If you want just straight euphoria , have about 3 shells of Waka. They have plenty of games and couches that really set up the environment nicely for a social haven. There's also about a 42 inch TV for you to enjoy if you sit at the bar.

  • Carly W.

    Kava is pretty great! I am not so into alcohol but I enjoy going to bars. The ambiance of the Kava bar is somewhere in between a coffee shop and a bar, very cool! I really like this place, I'll definitely be coming back. I also recommend the flavors in your kava as it is an acquired taste. The chocolate orange mixes in very well.

  • Daniel B.

    If you're looking for truly potent, relaxing effects without intoxication, kava is it. Many herbs, teas, homeopathic remedies and so-called "anti-energy drinks" offer these effects but deliver none. If this is what you are looking for, get over the taste. Because kava is so obscure in these parts, the taste is foreign. Drinking kava is a ritual imported from a different culture, so leave your American expectations at the door, and you'll be open to a new experience. Squarerüt portions their cups so you can down the serving in two or three gulps, which is the traditional way to drink it. Curiously, there is a reverse tolerance, so you'll have to drink more on your first visit than subsequent ones. The kavaristas fully explain the process on your first visit. Service is like a regular bar where you order cups one by one and keep a running tab. Music is low enough that you can have a conversation with the people next to you, and lighting is brighter than a dive. Plenty of board games line the shelves at the back. Décor pays homage to the pacific islands where kava is grown. If you've tried kava on your own and didn't feel any effects, know that preparation involves a learning curve. The folks at Squarerüt know what they are doing. What they serve is actually smoother than anything I've made myself. Every negative review is by someone who missed the point. If you're looking to get hammered on something that tastes like a Capri Sun, you won't find it here. If you're looking for palpable relaxation effects without a loss of mental faculties in a chill and friendly environment and have an open mind then make your way to Squarerüt Kava Bar.

  • Jessica W.

    I loved the Kava. Felt great and better than what I make at home. It is expensive though and the server wasn't the sweetest. Not rude but pretty indifferent. This experience was a while ago so who knows if she works there or not. I'd check it out again though.

  • Qiquiang L.

    Hmmm kava for the 1st time and I have to say I will be coming back! Great experience with friends

  • Deji M.

    Body chemistry is an interesting thing. I know people who need 4-6 drinks to get dancing. (I love this song! - Me too! - LET'S DANCE! - Oh I need another drink first. - Dammit.) I have an old friend who admitted to being high about 50% of the time; it helps him feel "level." I'm easy: with a night of hard sleeping, I'll jump a photobooth, talk to strangers, hit the dance floor, and perform on stage without prompting. Depressants work like depressants for people like me. Liquor knocks me out. Wine is a sleeping pill in headache form. And Kava is a curious, tongue-numbing liquid that makes me double over the next day with yawns that threaten to unhinge my jaw. It's not necessarily Kava's fault. The jittery barista came by and talked to us first-timers about what Kava is and what it does and who drinks it and people who bring their kids to the bar and it's no big deal and how he hasn't had alcohol in two years and also that it can help you focus and also that we should get a flight of three to try or did we want just one? and okay he'll bring it right out. For Rut's patrons, Kava appears to be an enjoyable activity: chatting, relaxing, and consuming this off-tasting root juice brought all the smiles. I added flavors to mine: first the Mexican chocolate, then the lemon cream. Lemon cream absolutely wins. They have plenty of board games and astrological books, and a few people seemed to be studying in the cool-vibes establishment. Following an hour of playing IQ games and reading about our signs (I'm under a masculine planet, or something), we got home and passed out hard (which I always do) and woke up still very tired (which is no bueno). Kava's not for me, but if you're used to feeling positive effects by ingesting something (legalish) into your system, try it out. I'll be waiting for you on the dance floor, son. Any given day of the week.

  • Dwight H.

    Well, I'm now a regular... A great relaxation and stress reducer! Also, being a non drinker, a great alternative. Ultra chill environment. Get a green card if you frequent enough. Saves quite a bit of $, especially Tuesday, double points day!

  • Liza M.

    Let me get straight to the point here...kava tastes like dirt water. If you know this going in, you can suck it up and focus on enjoying the experience. The staff has been super friendly each time I've gone, but please don't bring your high-maintenance friends (b/c I have a feeling that would not go over well here). There is no guarantee you will feel all of the effects described by the kava aficionados you might find online or at the kava bar. I've only gone a couple times and have experienced the tingly mouth, relaxed body, and (on one occasion) the slight body buzzing. Nothing crazy, but still a fun time! There are board games, assorted drawing materials, and books for you to peruse while you take some time to relax here either by yourself or with friends. Go ahead and give this place a try--the worst outcome is that you can guiltily admit to friends that you paid to drink dirt-flavored water. ;)

  • Hannah S.

    I haven't had the pleasure of visiting the bar itself; however, I contacted Tracy this morning asking if there was any possibility of overnighting chocolate bars to NY as I leave for a week long hike Saturday at 6 am and desperately wanted some relaxing edibles for the trip. Tracy responded within the hour and the chocolate is on it's way! If the bar is anything like its owners, I can only imagine good things. I'll be stopping in on my next trip to Austin - seriously, some of the best customer service I have come across. Unbelievable. Thank you SO much Tracy :) :) :)

  • Jessica M.

    My group for school was looking for somewhere to meet that actually had parking (unlike most of the cafes in south Austin) -- so we decided to check out this place. I read a lot of the reviews beforehand and was fully expecting to taste some dirt water and move on with life. And now, now I am a believer. Thankfully I was the third to arrive in my group, and walked in and witnessed the horribly sour faces the other two were making in trying their plain ol' kava. Tip: if you don't like dirt water, go for the flavors. I think this is where people are going wrong. The barista/bartender/server dude obviously loves kava, it's his jam -- which is probably why he recommends trying it without flavors if you have never tried it before, because you know, it's PURE that way. Whatever, I got some root water/juice with coconut flavor and it was delicious. And, not only was it delicious, I felt so relaxed and at peace with life for a good hour or two afterwards. Now, I don't know if this is because I barely ate this day or if this will always be the case, so I am going to take my fiance one day and try it again. It's definitely worth a try. Obviously, it's not for everyone, but it was pretty cool in my book.

  • Channing J.

    Where to start? Hmmm... I love this place. I love the people. And of course, I love the kava. When I have a headache, am stressed or my sciatica is acting up, I head to the kava bar. After a decidedly more intense day at my manual labor job, I had 4 shells of waka kava last night, and was actually able to stand up straight and walk (not limp) away from my bed this morning. Success! Shelby, Garrett, Davey and Jason are my lovely invaluable kavaristas, I always look forward to whoever happens to be working when I go in. They are extremely helpful, informative, and fun! I no longer drink so sometimes that kava bar replaces that social setting for me as well. My boyfriend and I love to go on a quite night and hunker down on a couch for a long, deep, philosophical conversation. They do have live music sometimes, which can be nice, but sometimes a little too loud for my taste. I personally like the south Congress locations the most, it's closest to my home. But the North Lamar on is convenient from work, and they have an espresso machine, which is almost too much for me to handle. Do I wanna get jacked on coffee, or rooted on kava? Either one, SquareRut is one of my absolute favorite hangouts.

  • Eric R.

    The owners Scott and Tracy are very attentive and see that you are taken care of well. It is nice when a business owner will make sure that problems are resolved, and customers are treated the way they should be.

  • Shani S.

    I love love LOVE this place. Scott is great and so helpful. He knows his stuff and takes great care of you. I came here for a yelp elite event and liked it so much, Mark M and I came back with a friend the next night. Yes, it can taste icky. Yes, there's that lovely "dirt water" after taste sometimes. However, Scott will do his best to make sure you fully enjoy your experience here. He made an Orange Coconut Clove mix for me that I highly suggest. It's awesome! I love the euphoric feeling without alcohol. I slept really well and my whole body felt great. I'm hooked and will be back at least weekly for a "fix" and bringing in others for them to share in this experience, as well. Thanks, SquareRüt Kava Bar!

  • Sonie S.

    I've gone here a couple times and I haven't had a consistent reaction to Kava yet. Be warned that Kava tastes like you're drinking liquefied tree bark. If you're the type that can't get past the taste of something and like really fruity drinks, you may not enjoy the experience. But if you can embrace the taste and get past it, you may have a really good time. The experience seemed pretty relaxing every time, but I felt like Kava never really hit me the same from visit to visit. The first time was probably the strongest feeling. My mouth felt tingly and numb. If you've ever tried oral chloraseptic spray for sore throat, it's a bit similar to that. Then I felt my body completely relax and somewhat had a body buzz as well. It's a soothing feeling and is supposed to help with stress. There were a couple times where I felt a mild mouth numbing but that was about it. Supposedly if you drink it on a regular occasion, your tolerance actually goes down so the effects should get stronger. But I haven't drank it enough for that to happen. For first-timers, try The Program. You get 3 cups (made of coconut) of different Kava. I'd suggest ending with the Waka which is their strongest strain. If you really can't get past the flavor, you can try adding in flavors as well. The eggnog one didn't taste that bad but it's seasonal. DO NOT drink alcohol heavily within a few hours of consuming Kava. It enhances the effects of alcohol and not in a good way. It'll make you feel queasy, and one of my friends who decided to do a Trudy's mexican martini ended up puking that night. I didn't drink as much and still felt very nauseous. The S Congress location has ample seating if you plan on going with several friends. They have several card/board games available as well if you'd like to play while drinking. The baristas are very knowledgable about Kava, and I'd suggest asking them about the history of it since it's a cultural thing. Let them know it's your first time and they'll give you tips to make your experience better

  • Eric W.

    I am in love with Kava and this place. Mellow vibes, interesting people. Great Owners. One of my new favorite places to meet clients, friends, and family.

  • Jalisa S.

    Went in hearing different things about kava so I decided to give it a shot. The guy behind the kava bar was really nice and explained to us how you have to take 3 full shots to really get the same effects as everyone else. Since we hadn't tried it we decided to get one each and see what it was like, however drinking nasty dirt water wasn't really my cup of tea. The pineapples he gave us to chase it with we're amazing and fresh (haha which was really the best part). Though we didn't like the kava we had a great time on the patio later and even attended some sort of meditation thing.

  • Ryan B.

    Okay. For starters.. I'll try everything at least once. This one might be a little out there for me though. The service is wonderful and the staff is great, but I'm not too sure I could see myself having kava on a regular basis. Best way I can describe the feeling? It felt like the first part of going to the dentist when they use a bit of local anesthetic on your mouth. I didn't suffer any terrible side effects that I would go home crying about, but I did have quite the stomach ache hours later. As for the taste.. it was comparable to drinking dirt water. Not that I drink dirt water on a regular basis, but it tasted what I imagine drinking dirt would taste like. I would have to give the flavored versions a try in the future if I am feeling adventurous again. The location is pretty far south Austin, so I don't know if I would travel out here just for the Kava. Maybe next time! They have board games and couches to relax on as you are going numb!

  • Leila R.

    This place is the real deal! Come for the Kava, stay for an education on this wonder root, leave a little more cultured and mellowed than when you came! If you never tried kava, make this the place you do! Super chilled vibe and nice, knowledgeable staff! After my first cup I had a Zen buzz and now I can't get enough!

  • J H.

    I really like this place. The atmosphere is great. They have a good selection of teas which is what I always for. Katie recommended the mango black. She was very friendly and helpful. Thanks Katie! 5 stars all around!

  • Steven H.

    This place gave me and my friend an awesome experience! The gentleman that was working at the bar at the time we came in was extremely knowledgeable about the different types of kava, offered us different flavors to try, and let us know exactly what we should expect from our first time, and even after we continued to use it. The atmosphere was really nice as well, like a Starbucks that doesn't have to try that hard. The only constructive criticism I could give this place (and it's a silly one) is that they scrounge up some more two player board games!

  • Kayla F.

    I think this is a great concept but could use some improving. If the point is the chill and relax I think they should have some food to offer while you're there. Also it was pretty dark and dingy I wasn't encouraged to stay. The person serving us left the counter and smoked on the patio right in front of all the guests, I don't care if you smoke on breaks but we wanted to pay and leave but couldn't, one of my peeves. Anyways, cool concept but needs a few tweaks.

  • Rebekah T.

    Amazing and intelligent staff that knew the product inside and out. Definitely going back.

  • Mike T.

    I showed up to the bar with only mounting anticipation. I missed a recent yelp event so I needed to see why my friends gave such stellar reviews. After about 16oZ I knew why. What a great calming feeling. As I walked in I was immediately greeted by Scott. Upon seeing my apprehension and lost gaze, he led me on an educational voyage, through the origins of Kava. Upon first gulp my mouth, tongue, and throat began to tingle and go numb. Not a feeling I'm quite familiar with, except when I'm sick. After some proper education of the methods to drink Kava. Thank you Scott. I began shooting cups. Most of my friends related the bitter, gritty taste to dirt. I see it quite differently. Tastes of fresh Pecan butter. Same bitter, gritty as you wash it down with water. So get over it, or at least trick your mind. Say it tastes of pecans out loud and trick your brains. After my first few cups I was hooked. Then I went to Del Valle HS homecoming game. Kava may have saved some poor kids life. That was annoying at times. But Kava allowed me to take a moment and realize I USED to be one of those annoying "nobody better step on my kicks " screaming children. I returned a couple days later to test its ability to help with sleep. Had some about an hour before I went night night. I Remembered my dream... I haven't done that since high school. Awesome.!!! Will be taking friends, especially drinking friends, should we decide dirty sixth is the place to drink.

  • Laureen O.

    Jason was awesome! Very informative for my first time. Chill place-check it out :) I'll be back!

  • Mihir K.

    Drank kava for the first time. The first taste is ok. But the bitter taste at the end was a little surprising to me. I get it it's healthy, but I'd like the taste to change. It felt like drinking bitter dirt steeped in water. Coming from India, and having dabbled in the occasional Ayurvedic medicine, I've had worse stuff stepped in water. Like Sudarshan. Now that stuff will cure you of any ailment, if you can just get it down your throat. Triphala, is another such powder. I am going to recommend the owners to start carrying a variety of things like these. Get an Ayurvedic expert to help out and you will be the rage in this town of hippies. I mean that in a good way. Now I did not try the flavored stuff, but I will give them a shot next time I'm here. Maybe it's an acquired taste. I said the same thing about beer. Now look at me.

  • Jennifer A.

    So now they have even better flavors (though not as potent). The flavors are really great and make this drink much more tasty to a first-timer. The key, drink the first two like shots. Then wait until your mouth goes numb and you start feeling verrrrrry reeelaaaaaxxxxed.... like you just don't care but you aren't tired just really chilled out. Then go for the 3rd and final part. Now just let it wash over you and enjoy life, company and live in the moment :)

  • Courtney B.

    When I first heard about the kava root drink the flavor was described to me as a cold tea consistency with a gritty after taste. Hmm...drink a vanilla latte or kava with a gritty after taste??...I usually go for the latte but they kept raving about the calming affects, so I decided why not. When an opportunity presents itself to try a new food or drink I willingly accept. Wasn't it Neale Donald Walsch who said, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"? Point taken, Neale. Kava drink, here I come! I have to tell you after I tried my first kava shell (cup) I was hooked...& I'm still hooked- yes there is a gritty after taste but the calming affect is loveaaaly - the relaxing feeling instantly covers you like a warm blanket. My gal pal, who was with me, bought a bottle to take home to her hubs, & he came back the very next day to buy two more bottles! SquareRut Kava Bar is the bom . com for their service & variety of flavors. The first kava bar flavor I tried was coconut chocolate served in a small shelled cup. Not only do you instantly feel relaxed after your first sip, come to find out there are a lot of health benefits from the kava root. Thanks to Tracy, one of the owners, who shared with me all the health benefits the kava root offers. Tracy is fantabulous, personable, and knowledge of the kava root, & all the health benefits! Pricing----$4 a shell or $11 for a full water bottle (filled with your choice of flavored kava). The venue is spacious, adorable, & the staff are laid back & always friendly-a perfect spot for a large group or for two. They have game nights on Tuesday's- Citizens of Humanity is one of the games they play (gasping with excitement)! THINGS TO KNOW: -The drink does have an after taste that is a bit tart, but after the first few sips you no longer taste it. -You can shoot the kava like a shot vs sipping on it, like I did. -Yes the bottle of kava (small water bottle) is $11 but it will last you two days - (31/2 servings) -The calming side affects are incredible & all natural. -They have a new location opening up in Hyde Park this September! -CHECK OUT THEIR HAPPY HOUR: Monday's from 5-8pm ---50% off a shell (cup)---- (regularly $4) I'm so excited they are opening a new location closer to where I live-I'm going to turn into a Kava bar groupie...I can't wait to visit their new location this fall!

  • Cynthia C.

    Came here to celebrate Rachel's birthday :) It was a clean place with good service! We walked in & were greeted immediately & given a marketing schpeel about what Kava is & how the first cup will make you feel this... the second cup will make you feel that... the third cup will complete your experience. So of course, we got the 3 cup package! Yes, and it comes in cute, photogenic coconut cups. They do have board games & books & plenty of seating options- so it's a great place to just chit chat with friends. A good alternative to a coffee shop. Since hubs already had Kava accidentally in Hawaii (he thought it was a fruit juice), he was not inclined to try it again. He got a fruity tea... now I know why.... It tastes gross. No, the taste does not really get better. It looks like murky, mud-water. Tastes like murky,mud-water. The flavored one (orange-raspberry creamsickle) was better, but still has a icky aftertaste. It does kind of relax you... but definitely only take 1 cup... you don't need 3. After 3 cups and half an hour, I kind of didn't feel good. Maybe it's because I didn't eat much beforehand? But I would only recommend 1 cup. Anyways, good for a first time experience! Definitely good for the adventurous & spontaneous. Just... not quite something I would look forward to in the future.

  • Allegra C.

    Went in looking to try something new. Did the 3 4oz cups. Tried the natural kava first and yes it is very earthy but bearable tasting. I trikes flavoring for my other 2 and that improved the taste but it was still rather bitter. But you don't drink kava for the taste! The effects were well worth it. I became very relaxed after just my first cup. I spoke with the owner and he was very knowledgable and personable. This is the only kava bar in all of texas! And it seems pretty authentic-he had just came back from Fiji. The ambiance is nice and apparently they host events. This place is nearby my work. Ill definitely be coming by during lunch on a rough day. I suffer from anxiety and kava was much more effective than popping a Xanax!

  • Staci Kae A.

    5 stars because it's an out of the ordinary experience and one you should do at least once. Kava is a lot like taking shots. Except it tastes like mud water from Zimbabwe. It has a bite that's hard to swallow. It numbs your mouth. Makes you woozy. And then it's over. Get in your car and go back to work. True story. It's not illegal to kava and drive. I recommend against leaving immediately and so will they. The girl behind the counter was nice and instructional on the process. Do it. You never know until you try something.

  • Jenny S.

    People need to try this place out! Make sure you get the flavored kava!!! The original flavor is very "natural" tasting and doesn't have too great of an aftertaste so just save yourself the trouble and get the flavored. Their flavors change regularly so that's nice. The location is kind of off from other Austin things to do/visit but it's worth checking out. This is a great place to go with friends on a night where everyone just wants to relax and chat. They had a local band playing when I visited.

  • Aissa S.

    Definitely an experience to have. The employees are so nice and helpful and are fully educated on the substance. They recommend 3 cups, but I couldn't get past the first cup. Taste was so bitter towards the bottom of the cup. But good experience. My friends went through 2 and 3 cups of it so they really felt the calm and ease of it.

  • Lisa T.

    I first came across Kava while I was in Maui and once I got back to Texas I was stuck craving it. Luckily, I discovered SquareRut about 2 years ago while living in south Austin. Excellent service, knowledgeable staff and excellent menu of options. I look forward to showing kava to many of my friends and this is a great spot to take them! Love the fact you can get it to go as well and the flavoring options are a bit unique from what I am used to; I think it helps new people get used to what kava is like. Looking forward to a chance to get back down south again for a night with friends.

  • Barron M.

    This is a great place. The atmosphere is pleasant with some games for entertainment and a friendly, attentive staff. Definitely a good place to hang out and unwind after work. The kava itself is an acquired taste but worth it. A good spicy flavor really helps with the taste. It leaves you with a nice relaxed feeling with out being impaired. I highly recommend it if you've never tried it before. I think I am becoming a regular even though it is quite a way from my home.

  • Coby G.

    Although as many others have said the Kava tastes like muddy water, so just be expecting that when you go and it will be alright. After trying the regular stuff, the coconut flavor tasted great, possibly due to the complete numbing of our taste buds but whatever works. Overall, I'm not really sure how I feel about the actual Kava experience. I guess it relaxed me and definitely made my mouth numb (others said it made them relaxed and a little tired) but I'll have to try it out again without the pint of red wine I carried in my stomach this time around. Atmosphere-wise I definitely enjoyed the place. The staff is ridiculously friendly and loves talking about pretty much anything. There was a cool blues band playing in the background the whole time and we were able to plaster ourselves on a big leather couch and enjoy our company. Overall, the experience was definitely interesting and worth a try regardless of if you like the Kava. Cool Place! * Huge Tip: Be sure and request to play Cards Against Humanity. Basically a way more hilarious version of Apples to Apples

  • Joshua G.

    Kava made me feel like what Pauly Shore looks like he feels like in all his movies. It's hard to judge whether or not I'm jumping on the Kava bandwagon or not. First off, I wasn't sure if I was feeling a placebo effect or actually feeling "kavarazy". Initially, the Kava numbed the entire inside of my mouth, but other than that I didn't feel much else going on. --I didn't feel much else until...until I actually did. It all began when I rested the entire length of my body comfortably upon the lush brown couch that walls up against the West side of the building. The sun was setting on a typical, yet gentle, Monday evening--I felt the world warming up kindly to the dimness of the environment as my friend and I discussed the feelings we felt inside our bodies, describing the numbness and nature of this epic calm that managed to soothe our evening into bliss. We people watched, sharing an intimate moment trying to describe the interesting environment we had both found ourselves in. This place is a fusion between coffee shop cool and dive bar chill. For a first timer, I was impressed by the quality of culture that is upheld to promote the Kava drink. For taste, plain Kava is absolutely terrible (unless you love the taste of dirt water.) It is a very earthy taste, like when you've been playing football on a muddy field and a splotch of earth-mixed rain water finds its way into your mouth--it's that same taste, same grit and consistency. I had to try Kava plain for my first time, because it just felt proper to do it the way it was discovered. For my next go at it, I had Jamaican Spice: an absolutely brilliant choice. This can be described as a bubble gummy flavor that complete eradicates the evils of that dirty water taste. It's just perfect, highly recommend you try this flavor! My final cup was Lemon. It made my Kava taste like a cold honey lemon tea. It was good, but it was a few notches below the fullness of Jamaican Spice. Overall, a splendid experience, especially arriving there during happy hour on Monday evening from 5-8 where everything was half-priced. It was a lovely treat. The bartender said that Kava relieves stress--I think I felt more stress on my shoulders by the time I left, but that's just me; my friend felt totally bliss-bombed. She had a good time and I left there happy to know that something like this existed just a few minutes from my home. Yeah, I guess you can say I'm a bit "Kavarazy" now.

  • Darla A.

    As a fan of the bubbles, I jumped at the chance when a friend invited me to a soft opening of what I thought was a Cava bar. We arrived to find no alcohol in sight, and in its place, an airy, island-feeling coffee house layout with no coffee in sight. In its place was something called Kava. What the heck is Kava? Well, I am here to tell you, while in liquid form, it does not have bubbles or come from a bottle that makes a loud pop when you pull the cork out of it. Based on my Google research, Kava comes from soaking the root of a shrub called Piper methysticum or Kava plant. The liquid strained and extracted from that soaking. Once extracted it is either flavored or not flavored and consumed quickly. The benefits are supposed to be that of calming, sedative or anesthetic properties and can promote restful sleep. Apparently, some cultures use it as an alternative to alcohol or Valium. Wikipedia is full of useful and scary information on the topic including an extensive list of side effects: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ka… . I found the taste to be so earthy, it felt like I was drinking liquid dirt, in spite of the coconut or touted Kava Joy coconut/chocolate-like flavoring supposedly added to the two I tried. There was no sweetness, just a pungent horrid taste that left me needing ANYTHING to get the taste out of my mouth. This followed by a numbing of my mouth and tongue, similar to what an overdose of Cepacol® spray might feel like. If you are not here for the Kava, they sell Zhi-Tea, Maine Root soft drinks, Zico coconut water or a Thai coconut ready for you to put a straw in and drink. Based on doing this, and not diversifying their offerings, they have limited their appeal to a very niche clientele, as they invite you on their website to "take your tats over to SquareRüt" for a "legal" version of chill. I am not one to judge. So if you are looking for the beneficial properties of Kava, and understand all the potential side effects, risk factors and the fact that it tastes terrible (IMHO), have at it. My personal opinion is that the risks far outweigh the benefits and leave a bad taste in ones mouth. I think I will stick to the effervescent form of Cava that suits my taste, calms me, and makes me happy.

  • Amy D.

    I met up with a couple Yelp friends for SquareRüt Kava Bar's grand opening. There was some initial confusion as to exactly what we were getting ourselves into (yes, we thought perhaps it was a wine bar) but were up for an adventure. We were greeted by staff at the front door who handed us a coconut shell, a nice reusable water bottle and a wristband that allowed us up to 3 free tastings. Kava is the root of a plant which is grown South Pacific Islands and rumor has it you must be 18 to drink kava in the U.S. The health benefits are relaxing the body while keeping the mind calm yet alert. After two car accidents this year, I know anxiety especially behind the wheel. I can attest that I did feel calm driving when I left the grand opening. On a side note I find magnesium supplements have a similar relaxing quality. So what does it taste like? Well in my opinion not wonderful but much better than some of the healthy juices I have had when juicing. It is definitely an acquired taste and they did give out pineapple slices as a shot back. I tried the original and the coconut and preferred the coconut best. The bar is set up with a tiki theme, they have a lounging area with couches inside and outdoor picnic tables all perfect for socializing and relaxing. Kava is not the only thing on the menu, you can also buy Zhi tea and coconut water.

  • Stacey B.

    I decided on exploring this establishment hesistantly after reading many mixed reviews. Let me go on record by first saying that I knew nothing about Kava prior to visiting, much less even hearing of it. I love trying new things and that was really my primary reason for going. I received a 2-3 minute introduction by Jess (sweet woman) to what Kava was and why people enjoy it and its history. She poured the cold concoction into a coconut shell and it was basically bottoms up. The taste? Um, I'm going to assume that the people that enjoy this beverage isn't for the taste of it. It's a bit swampy for my liking but adding the basil pepper flavoring did help it to be a bit more palatable for me. The effects? The only noticeable thing for me was the numbing/tingling feeling on my tongue and throat. Kavain is categorized as a mild to slightly moderatate local anesthetic. Overall? I enjoyed the atmosphere more than the drink. I may try it again in the future.

  • Beth S.

    This is my second time here with my husband, and we have once again avoided serious stress by just coming in for some Kava. It is so beneficial to come and get work done here. I have 7 day work weeks. The Kava is keeping me from losing it. Maybe I should start bringing it to work??? "Here! It will make your mouth numb! Now, let's all listen to Thievery Corporation on Pandora and read silently for the next 90 minutes*". Yes, this is going to be awesome! *I do not actually intend to do this.

  • Kim K.

    Go into the experience expecting the absolute worst and most disgusting tasting beverage you can imagine. Then, when you end up trying kava for the first time, it won't seem 1/2 as bad. This is what I did and it worked like a charm. The kava itself: If I were to imagine was dirt tasted like, this could be it. It also has another taste/feel. You know that taste/feel in your mouth after it's been numbed? That's how my mouth felt. Here's the other thing - the drink is almost meant to be taken like a shot. If you can do this successfully, it's not as bad. As for the effect - I didn't feel much. I felt a little more relaxed than usual, but I'm not sure if that is because I was: tired, the dark lighting/soothing atmosphere, and/or all the hype made me think I should feel something? Not sure. I can say for sure that my friend slept for 12 hours that night. The staff is great - friendly, knowledgeable and attentive. I loved the live music - acoustic guitar with outstanding jazz vocals. Lovely ambiance - dark lighting, "chill" and very laid back. They also had games, which I enjoyed - although I'm not sure Pictionary fits in with the vibe. (;

  • Daniel K.

    Davey was an amazing host, sharing his experiences from Hawaii and the islands, as well as the cultural significance of kava. Atmosphere is very comforting, with chill music and big windows. Definitely looking towards my next visit.

  • R C.

    This place would be more popular if it weren't so far south along S. Congress. Staff is sociable, warm, and welcoming. It's a cool, open space with a pleasant color palette. Also, the coconut cups/goblets in which the Kava is served are cute. As for the unflavored drink: I found it inoffensive, but I take my coffee black and eat spoonfuls of cayenne pepper, so there's that to consider. Its aftertaste reminded me of milk of magnesia, but thankfully it didn't linger. The psychoactive effects were a delight. I was more talkative. Plus, I felt mellow and mildly euphoric, by which I mean at ease, content or comfortable (not "stupidly happy" like when I drink alcohol). I'm glad I came here with friends. It's likely I'll be back! Definitely, I'll be recommending it to others.

  • Logan C.

    Super cool place and great snacks! If you don't know anything about kava, it's a fun experience to share with friends :)

  • Ya Ya S.

    The SquareRut Kava Bar is one of the best discoveries I've made since moving to Austin. The owners are such beautiful beautiful folks. Their true intentions for creating a truly warm and welcoming space for a diverse community is the real thing and I love their Kava! Tracy, Scott, Garrett, Davy, Amy, Bethany and everyone else I've met that works there is always authentically friendly and beautiful. They are also well informed about Kava. It is truly my favorite place to hang out.

  • Shaelyn W.

    Awesome experience, great place to go with a group of people and talk and chill. Kava has the relaxing effects of alcohol, but does not affect motor skills the same way alcohol does. If you know someone who doesn't drink, you can take them here!

  • Kris R.

    First time, came in on a whim. Like the place and like the kava, try it with the flavor! The effects are chill as is the atmosphere, Garrett is very knowledgeable and helpful. We will definitely be coming back for seconds.

  • Ben W.

    If you never had kava before then this is a chance to experience it. Neither me nor my friend liked kava after trying this place. It numbed our mouths and tongues and the server wasn't really very friendly. I think these kind of places are completely dependent on the type of people. Just isn't for me.

  • Lisa B.

    What a fun thing to try! Spring for the extra $1 to flavor it - the root tastes...earthy. Your mouth goes numb, then your arms get heavy, then you're just chilled. They recommend a flight of three for $10 to experience the full effect. They also bring you some pineapple to cleanse your palate. Totally recommend trying it for a new experience.

  • Jen N.

    Small venue, and has a stage set up. I've only been during the day time to study in the corner. They have wi-fi and it's quite during the day and not so crowded. But I assume at night they do some sort of entertainment. Kava itself tasted a little grainy, like drinking minty, fine sand, but not as gross. It leaves your mouth a little numb, but not like you are drinking novacaine or anything. Just a tingle of numbness. The teas there are also really great because they weren't your run of the mill flavors, which is a good switch up from Bigelow and Lipton.

  • Debra S.

    Found myself in far south Austin today, and decided to drop by this spot. I was really impressed. If you've heard the taste is off-putting, don't worry. It's really fine. There are also flavors you can add--I tried basil/pepper. On your first visit, they suggest 4 "shells." That really isn't too much--I drank each shell in about 15 minutes. I wish I had had some friends with me, but it was a work day, so I was by myself. You can also purchase a couple of preparations to take home, and two flavors of candy bars. The feeling was mellow, and like I said, had I had companions with me, I think we would have had casual conversations. The staff was very friendly and answered all of my questions. The space is filled with original art and has lots of windows--great on the day I visited, because we got rain!

  • Liz H.

    I seriously love this place. I had never heard of Kava and to be honest only attended because I was driving home with the hubby and the sign had 'bar' in the title so we pulled over. It's a block away from my house and had always wanted to check it out. There was a super cute and nice girl working the bar, was very aware of what Kava was and explained everything in extreme detail to us. The atmosphere of the place was wonderful! Everyone was very friendly and in a good mood and the Kava, YUM! You truly have to be OK with organic or 'dirt' tasting things to be into this. It was relaxing and after a long day at work, I've had to return multiple times. My husband is not a fan, however, and I really wish he was! Just not for everyone, so this is something to keep in mind. The only reason I'm not rating it a 5 is the prices. It's not terribly expensive, but more than I would like to spend. Regardless, I return on the regular. Would highly recommend to anyone that isn't into alcohol or just wants to relax and a different way :)

  • Nicole C.

    Kava puts me in a good mood without giving me a hangover. So do the plethora of board games Kava Bar carries. Did I mention they have a horseshoe pit outside?! If you're having a crappy day, come here with a group of friends, kick back a round of Kava and play a game of Cards Against Humanity. I guarantee you'll leave feeling a lot better. I know I did.

  • Courtney D.

    First time trying kava. Interesting experience, I recommend the Mexican Chocolate flavor. The waitress (?? bartender??) was very nice and helpful. It seems like a cool alternative to a coffee bar full of people on their respective iDevices. People are quite a bit more sociable without being overbearing. If you are new to kava, try the plain to get a bearing on what you are tasting before trying the flavors, but by far I recommend the Mexican Chocolate.

  • Roxy A.

    you need to know This kava product is effective. I saw the sign kava bar driving down the street. And did a double take. Kava !? Seriously :) procured out of an establishment freshly and professionally prepared :D this is how it works in my mind. I really put a lot of weight in plant alkaloids...more specifically the kavalactones, six of which are primarily responsible for your noticeable experience with kava, having similar but milder effects as a muscle relaxer, anti convulsive, or anxiolytic, potentiating GABA activity, making this brew feel like something i used to take for anxitey...only lighter, more playful, cheerful even. feels good doesnt it? one lactone in particular, my favorite, kavain acts by inhibiting the re uptake of noradrenaline affecting parts of the brain, such as the amygdala, where attention and responses are controlled. this is where i get that mellow focus. dale pendell writes a good bit about how all sorts of plant alkiloids work on your brain. recreational reading. more like plant science poetry. I'm a big fan of things that taste like earth- teas and concoctions that taste like twigs and leafs, dirt, loam, silt. But a cup of unflavored kava tastes like wood. like chewing on a No2 pencil. this is the best No2 pencil ever though...This nostalgic flavor just took me back to grade school art class. And I say all of this with the deepest affection. I'm here for the effects. take me to a place mildy euphoric, sedated, where I'm less salty. a place of mental stillness. i just want to take a jug home with me and paint.

  • John W.

    Its a very unique experience while sipping on your Kava drink. The Waitress was very kind and informative about the tea. As first timers she recommended the 3 cups. Good recommendation The atmosphere is very calm and there is ambiance music in the back ground. The only down side is the location. If the Kava Bar was closer to the capital it would be more fitting,

  • Dan T.

    Love this place! Laid back and mellow atmosphere, occasional live music in the evenings. A great place to relax, read, write, and converse. I also bring my laptop here and work occasionally. Kava is great. The taste is fine, and it leaves your mouth tingly for a few minutes. I'd say the buzz is subtly relaxing and slightly euphoric. It doesn't leave you feeling impaired, you could pretty much do it any time. It is, however, a bit pricey so I only go every now and then.

  • Kimberly B.

    What an experience! We had an unforeseen adventure from the moment we walked in, bewildered and excited, to the moment we left, wiser and jubilant. The staff, music and atmosphere is a class act. You must check this place out. It will satisfy your senses!!

  • Catherine S.

    Very pleasant experience, but subtle -- didn't get blown away; nice option for a girl to go to alone besides a coffee house. I took a book to read but didn't feel like reading, just chilled and enjoyed the mellow music. Friendly staff. It's close to where I live so I'd go again; a location closer in would probably increase their business, however, which seemed slow.

  • David C.

    Just had kava for the first time and it was fantastic! SquareRut Kava has a great ambiance about it. The drinks where wonderful and the owner was such a nice guy. This will be a place I come to often. Kava has a very Earthy taste to it, like wood. It goes down very smooth and gives you a nice slight euphoric feeling.

  • G M.

    Tasty kava, knowledgable staff, and a great relaxing atmosphere. I stop by here any chance I can get.

  • Dat L.

    "Yay! I'm a fan." I was looking for something different in my area and stumbled upon this jewel. The atmosphere here is very chill. My initial thought when trying Kava was that it tasted like Chinese herbal concoctions, if you're familiar with that. Just know that it's very earthy and you shoot it from a coconut shell. I was already used to the taste after the first visit. Look for the bar's very own PostSecret book! Interesting reads =]

  • Clarlin C.

    My boyfriend and I went in here on a whim. After hearing about a local bar that serves a natural brew with the same sedative and mellowing effects as alcohol but without the hang over, we were more then curious to try it out. Mind you the location is way south on Congress, we're talking past Ben White. But the owner, whose name I can't remember now, definitely made it worth our while. Not only did he educate us on his product and the history of kava kava but he was also great company and even gave us free samples of new products he wanted us to try. We stopped in at 2pm on a Saturday after Christmas shopping to give it a try and will definitely be back during the week to check it out as they have pretty awesome daily events. If you've never tried kava but would like to, give this place a try. You won't regret it.

  • Aeryn W.

    I live in Georgetown but if I had the time, I'd drive here once a day! The owners are wonderful! The staff is educated and very knowledgeable about the kava! Like their Facebook page for updates! They always have new flavors. Live music, great atmosphere and relaxing kava!!! I love this bar!

  • Tim T.

    I love this place! My real estate team mate and I (Marcia) were working at the condos at 6000 S. Congress (need a great place to live? Let me know, and even ask the SquareRut owners about the place, they live there!). We stopped in today to check it out, after being on property for the past three weekends. We were amazed. I think we both went in a little down, and not feeling our best for the day. We came out of there smiling, cheerful, and relaxed! It really was like being a bit intoxicated without the intoxication or the inability to function. The rest of our afternoon was a blast. While we didn't have any clients come through today, we did have a good time, and were optimistic, cheerful and fun! We'll be back there next Saturday from 11-4, stop by and visit us for a 10% off coupon. After you try the Kava experience you'll not only want to live in this complex, but you'll be a frequent visitor.

  • Freddie G.

    Definitely worth a try if you haven't yet. Only wish you could add some drink options for my friends that don't like it like I do and if you stayed open till 2am.

  • Eric M.

    This place is awesome! Do the special with 3 drinks, and get the flavor of the day its pretty good. Really great alternative to alcohol buzz, you feel great and its just an overall "good" experience. Plus, this is the only kava bar in the State of Texas! Now you have to go :) live music friday-Saturday, free WiFi, and the people are really friendly:) great for student to study at during the day and for those wanting a night on the town at night!

  • Lexi M.

    When I first saw the sign I thought....hmmm no it's not really a Kava bar is it?! OMG I have to go check that place out. Well I finally did one day after dance class. It was so great to get a taste of good ol Kava again. They do have different flavors but I like mine plain, straight up. The side of pineapple is a plus. The owner is super nice and we chit chatted for a good long time while I sucked down the special of 3 shots of kava for the full effect. It did the trick as I was relaxed and went to go get a massage after. He told me they just started serving coffee too since many people came in expecting that. Now all they need is food. They have a toss game that you can play outside in the grass. My one suggestion is that the seating would be more cozy, loungy...I mean you are relaxing with kava right? Like a hooka bar. Also I keep thinking to get peoples attention they exist, get some college girls with coconut bras and grass skirts on to stand out with signs on Congress in front of the place to attract attention. Well then I came back a couple of nights later with my boyfriend and he tried it out. They had a band that was good playing but it was a little loud for the small space. We just had one drink and left. They have bands that play there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Free wifi is also a plus so bring your computer and come hang out. Here's to Kava and relaxing. :D Cheers!!

  • Justin W.

    I just got back from the grand opening of this place and was extremely impressed. Having heard about the kava bars of the South Pacific and using the herb for stress/anxiety, I know a bit about the benefits. These guys use really high quality ingredients that make for a deliciously potent shell of kava. Got to try the plum flavour which was absolutely fantastic. The ambiance is chill, tropical, and inviting. The owner, Scott, was a super nice guy who has a great staff and knows his stuff. Definitely worth dropping in!

  • Vanessa F.

    Well not even Portland can boast they have their own Kava bar! This place is great, ample seating, lots of windows for natural light, plenty of parking. After the second shell of kava you don't care so much anymore about the funky taste since you are so relaxed! But not so much that you can't drive home. Usually I just want to crash when I get home but I actually feel like being productive after 4 shells of kava. If they have it when you go, try the chocolate- peanut butter flavor (just don't expect it to taste like Reese's).

  • Jana O.

    This is my new favorite spot! Ambiance is great, comfortable seating, super sweet owners, healthy, and internet...what else can you ask for?? This idea/bar is SO Austin....let's make it a hit! Come and try it, you will love it! ~ Jana

  • Jeff B.

    Love this place. This was my first time and they explained it beautifully. Take your time and enjoy. Try the Ceremonial Bowl. I think the stuff works.

  • Martha W.

    I've been in here twice recently and really enjoyed the vibe and the kava! I had never heard of it until recently, but was intrigued. I definitely felt more relaxed after drinking it, but with no weird aftereffects, and was totally lucid. The bar is located in a part of town that desperately needed a fun and relaxing hangout like this. I commend Square Rut for going further down soco and into a neighborhood that isn't so bogged down with traffic. They also have a nice fenced in area with picnic tables and a bean bag toss. I took my daughter with me and we had a fun time. Staff was super friendly and helpful too. I wish they had some snack food for sale, as this would make it a pretty perfect little spot.

  • Angela N.

    Everyone should try this at least once. I'll definitely be back a lot more. Really enjoyed the experience and am already inviting my friends to Kava Bar happy hour. Regular happy hours are so 2011, haha. The coconut flavor was my favorite.

  • Margaret M.

    Fun place. I've been a couple of times and always have a nice time. Low key fun. Friendly patrons and staff. Games. Apparently after a few cups of kava I don't write complete sentences. :) It's a great alternative to coffee or beer if you want to go hang out somewhere similar.

  • Rena G.

    They just expanded their hours and started serving Casa Brasil French Press coffee and Toddy coffee. Both are delicious. The Toddy is perfectly refreshing for hot, summer days, and the French Press coffee is a perfect pick-me-up before work. And the prices are super competitive. It's much better tasting coffee than Starbucks, and it doesn't break-the-bank. I'm sold! (Now open for coffee @ 6:00am.)

  • melissa c.

    had my first kava experience tonight and i will certainly be back! prices great, staff was friendly and atmosphere was entertaining. i can see this becoming an austin chain. very cool!

  • Derrick H.

    So I went in their today around 2:00 and Tracy introduced herself and gave me the 3 drink special. I must say I was not disappointed this stuff made me feel great. I've taken Kava in pill form before but never like this, this place is a must try. They have definitely made me a patron of this great place.

  • Janice S.

    it's has a relaxing environment and friendly hosts.

  • G ..

    I always drive by this place on the way to my friend's house but had never stopped in until last night. I walked in only to wait for 5 minutes at the bar before I was acknowledged. I had never heard of Kava and asked the "bartender" what most people order. He described Kava something similar to our alcohol but their drinks have no alcohol content. He described the the drink as relaxing, and elaborated on other positive aspects but I was mainly wanted to grab drinks to go to try with a friend. I ordered two to go kava drinks, which weew $11 a piece for a twelve ounce bottle filled with a muddy looking liquid poured from some random container they kept uncovered under the bar. I paid my tab and left curious to what could be so appealing about this strange drink that sold enough to keep a "bar" open south of Stassney on Congress. My friend and I opened the drink, took our first sip, and almost spewed it all over her living room. The taste can be most associated with dirt water, mixed with soap, and a tad bit of orajel that leaves your mouth with an awkward numbing sensation. I found nothing relaxing about this drink, mainly because my gag reflex wanted this out of my system. This was a terrible, and overpriced idea.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :12:00 pm - 12


  • Takes Reservations : Yes
    Delivery : No
    Take-out : Yes
    Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Good For : Late Night
    Parking : Private Lot
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
    Good for Kids : No
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Attire : Casual
    Ambience : Casual
    Noise Level : Quiet
    Music : Live, Background
    Good For Dancing : No
    Alcohol : No
    Happy Hour : Yes
    Best Nights : Thu, Fri, Sat
    Coat Check : No
    Smoking : Outdoor Area/ Patio Only
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Wi-Fi : Free
    Has TV : No
    Waiter Service : Yes
    Caters : No

SquareRüt Kava Bar

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